SBI Kerala Circle Strike by our Union on 24-2-2023
Instead of resolving the problems, management is turning vindictive
AIBEA will not keep quite

Demanding roll back of the new business model – MPSF Plan, Travancore State Bank Employees Association, Kerala Circle affiliate of AISBIEA (AIBEA) observed a successful strike on 24th February, 2023 in the State of Kerala.

In SBI, Kerala Circle, Multi-Product Sales Force (MPSF) teams have been formed by reducing staff from the Branches and forced them to the field for marketing. At a time when branches are reeling under severe staff shortage, MPSF business model and marketing will neither benefit Customers coming to the branches nor field- marketing, as pointed out TSBEA. Those deployed for marketing have been identified at random without considering their disposition towards marketing, their health, aptitude etc. and such employees are under severe problems and stress. Employees remaining in the branches are bearing the extra-burden consequent to staff-reduction. Hence this is a burning issue for the employees in SBI, Kerala and our Union has rightly taken up this issue.
It was expected that the SBI management will come forward to understand the problems faced by the employees and provide some relief. But angered by the success of the strike, the Circle Management has started unleashing attacks.
Yesterday, our leader Com K.S. Krishna, Joint Secretary of AIBEA, President of All Kerala Bank Employees Federation and General Secretary of All India SBI Employees Association has been transferred out of Trivandrum.
Other activists of the Union including lady employees have been transferred out with a view to intimidate them. All our members have been given mass memos threatening to take action for going on illegal strike. Management should know that calling our strike as illegal itself is illegal.
By unleashing these attacks, management has only exposed itself. It is clear that the management is shaky. We are demanding the SBI management to stop these provocative actions and learn to respect democratic protests by employees. If they continue these attacks, AIBEA will step in, in support of our comrades in SBI, Kerala Circle.
With Greetings, Yours Comradely,