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1 month for each year of service ( max. 18 months)

Employees shall be granted sick leave at the rate of one month for each year of service till retirement subject to a maximum of 720 days.

Sick Leave is on half pay but can be availed with full pay by double debit in sick leave account

A single male parent can avail sick leave for the sickness of his child of 8 years and below by production of medical certificate about child’s sickness.

Employees can avail sick leave for the sickness of their Special Child of 15 years and below for a maximum period of 10 days in a calendar year by production of medical certificate about child’s sickness.

Women employees shall be allowed to take one day Sick Leave per month without production of any medical certificate.

In case of employees of the age of 58 years and above, if wife or husband falls sick and hospitalized in another centre than the place of work, he/she need not avail privilege leave and they will be granted sick leave (maximum of 30 days in a calendar year). This will help the employee to conserve his/her privilege leave which can be encashed at the time of retirement.

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