Duties of Special Customer Service Associate( from 1-4-2024) : Special Pay 4600 per month + DA is payable from date of joining the Special Allowance duty.
Besides the duties of Customer Service Associate, Special Customer Service Associate shall be accountable and responsible for running of the department/section under them and their duties shall involve looking after and checking the work of Customer Service Associate and Office Assistant and shall also include:
Passing cash cheques and other like instruments independently upto and including Rs. 1,00,000. Passing clearing/transfer vouchers/other similar instruments independently upto and including Rs. 3,00,000.
Passing clearing and transfer vouchers and other similar instruments of Rs. 3,00,000 and above but upto Rs. 4,00,000 jointiy with another Customer Service Associate/ upto Rs.4,50,000 with Senior CSA (Cash).
Authorisation of Cash receipt independently upto and including Rs.2,00,000.
Passing of cheques upto limits mentioned hereinabove and passing will include verification of signatures and scrutiny as to the correctness of endorsements on and other particulars of such instruments.
There shall be no limits for verification of signatures, passing of authenticated credit vouchers/entries and for verifying authenticated vouchers in the ledgers, books, computer printouts etc.
Accept, verify and post cash / transfer / clearing cheques and other instruments, as the case may be, in appropriate books of accounts / ledgers, either manually or online, and give due acknowledgements.
Signing vouchers, cheques, drafts, mall transfers, pay orders, advices such as non-payment advices,
inter-branch fate calling advices, bill schedules, demand notices, statements certificates etc.,
Checking all vouchers, advices, storemenes, cheques, drafts etc., bills and books of accounts including current savings and other ledgers, cash, postal and revenue stamps, franking machine balances, exchange, discount, brokerage
calculations and initialing by way of authenticating them for accuracy/ correctness:
Checking, manually or online, current, savings and other accounts.
Discharging, endorsing cheques, bills, etc.,
Perform, when required in a computerised set-up, system control functions, either jointly with an officer or independently, upon specific authorisation in this regard;
Briefly explain, the features of Bank’s various products and services to customers, to reply their queries and to refer interested customers to appropriate personnel;
Loading / replenishing cash in on-site ATMs / Cash Recycler machines or other similar machines during office hours jointly with a Senior CSA(Cash) / Officer.
To collect and deposit the cash from the Cash Deposit machines / Cash Recycler machines or other similar machines available in the Branch after reconciling the entries jointly with a Senior CSA(Cash) / Officer.
For the purpose of efficient and effective functioning of the section or department, Special Customer Service Associate shall ensure that all acts, things and steps necessary therefor are taken by himself or by the Customer Service Associate placed under him and shall ensure that, wherever necessary:
   Reminders are sent on time and followed up.
   Pass sheets / books are filled up and issued promptly.
   Deposits are renewed on due dates or reminders sent to the parties.
   Standing instructions are complied with.
   Bills are accepted and due dates diarized / advised and followed up. f Interest, commissions and service charges are collected.
Proceeds of bills are received or remitted promptly.
   Confirmation of balance of accounts of the customers and its follow-up.
   All securities relating to the department/section of which the Special Customer Service Associate is in charge are secured and/or kept in proper custody and properly handed to the authorized person at the close of the day.
Advices and/or duplicate advices/summaries are issued /responded promptly, whenever called for;
Checking the proper recording of entries and all relevant particulars in regard to accounts opened under due authorisation.
Assisting in the counting of cash balances, securities, etc., in the presence of the inspecting officials.
   Assisting the inspecting officers in checking the quantities and values of the securities charged to the Bank.
   Checking items of stationery one marking off vouchers and acknowledgments and assisting in the examination of vouchers other than those of inter-branch/sub-office(s) Items-in-transit, suspense charges, sundry deposits and stationery accounts.
Assisting in preparing the audit returns/reports and typing and generally assisting the inspecting officer in his functions as may be required.