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Dearness Allowance

With effect from 1st November 2022, the Dearness Allowance shall be payable as per the following rates: –

Clerical and Subordinate Staff

1 % of ‘pay’ per percentage point of Index.


Dearness Allowance in the above manner shall be paid for every variation of rise or fall over 123.03 points in the quarterly average of the All India Consumer Price Index for industrial workers Base 0.01% change in DA on ‘pay’ for change in every second decimal place of CPI 2016 over 123.03 points.

  1. It is clarified that there shall be no ceiling on Dearness Allowance.
  2. Dearness Allowance shall be calculated and paid on the following components:
    • Basic Pay including Stagnation increments,
    • Special Pay,
    • Graduation Pay/ Professional Qualification Pay,
    • Special Allowance,
    • Transport Allowance and
    • Officiating Pay, if any, payable under this settlement in respect of both clerical and subordinate staff.
  3. All other existing provisions relating to Dearness Allowance Scheme shall remain unchanged.
  4. While working out quarterly average up to first two decimals will be considered.
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