100 reasons to cheer the 11th Bipartite Settlement

  1. 29 Banks – 12 PSBs, 8 Private Banks & 9 Foreign Banks covered by this Settlement
  2. 5 lacs workmen employee covered under this Settlement
  3. It will effective November, 2017 to October, 2022
  4. Total cost of annual wage revision/increase – Rs. 3385 crores for workmen
  5. Officers : Rs. 4513 cr + workmen Rs. 3385 cr – Total wage hike Rs. 7898 cr.
  6. It comes to 15% increase on cost of payslip components as on 31-3-2017
  7. Pay scales : Clerks : Rs. 17,900 to 47920. With stagnation increment Max. 65,830
  8. Pay scales : Substaff: Rs. 14,500 to 28,145. With stagnation increments Max. 37,145
  9. Fitment in new pay scale will be given on stage to stage basis
  10. In the case of Ex-servicemen category employees who have joined the Banks on and after 1-11-2017 up to the date of this Settlement, the fixation/fitment in the pay scales already given/eligible to be given under the 10th BPS shall be refixed as per the provisions of this settlement so that there will be no reduction on account of fitment in new pay scales.
  1. Substaf passing CAIIB will get additional increment like clerical staff
  2. Stagnation Increments : 9 increments once in 2 years for clerks and sub staff
  3. Those clerical staff who have completed 2 years in 8th stg. Increment as on 1-11-2017, will get their 9th stagnation increment w.e.f. 1-11-2017 including all monetary benefit.
  4. If such employees have retired after 1-11-2017 during this period, they will get arrears including the 9th stg. Increment and their pension/Gratuity/commutation will be revised accordingly.
15.For all other clerical staff, the stagnation increment received so far will be re-worked and revised as per new periodicity of 2 years each upto November 2017. However, monetary benefit of this revised stg. Increment will be paid from Nov. 2020.
16.Example: A clerk who has completed 12 years as on Nov. 2017 after reaching 20th stage and was in 4th stg. Increment ( 4 x 3 ) will now be eligible for the 6th stg. Increment (6 x 2) in Nov. 2017, 7th stg. Increment in Nov. 2019 but will get the monetary benefit from Nov. 2020. He will get 8th stg. Increment in Nov. 2021.
17.Example : A clerk who has completed 14 years as on Nov. 2017 after reaching 20th stage and was in 4th stg. Increment (4 x 3) will now be eligible for the 7th stg. Increment (7 x 2) in Nov. 2017, 8th stg. Increment in Nov. 2019 but will get the monetary benefit from Nov. 2020. He will get the 9th stg. Increment in Nov. 2021.
18.Example: A clerk who has completed 16 years as on Nov. 2017 after reaching 20th stage and was in 5th stg. Increment (5 x 3) will now be eligible for the 8th stg. Increment (8 x 2) in Nov. 2017, 9th stg. Increment in Nov. 2019 but will get the monetary benefit from Nov. 2020.
19.Example: A clerk who has completed 18 years as on Nov. 2017 after reaching 20th stage and was in 6th stg. Increment (5 x 3, 1 x 2 ) will now be eligible for the 9th stg. Increment (9 x 2) in Nov. 2017 but will get the monetary benefit from Nov. 2020.
20.Those who have retired between 1-11-2017 and 31-10-2020, will be given refixation as above notionally and their pension will be revised as from Nov. 2020. However, No arrears of cash benefit is payable.
  1. Special Pay : SWO-B : Rs. 1250
  2. Head Cashier : Rs. 1940
  3. Special Assistant : Rs. 2920
  4. Armed Guard/Bill Collector: Rs. 590
  5. Daftary : Rs. 850
  6. Elecatrician/AC Plant Helper : Rs. 3090
  7. Driver : Rs. 3590
  8. Graduation Pay/PQP – 1 year after reaching maximum : Rs. 625
  1. 2 year after reaching maximum – Rs. 1215
  2. 3 year after reaching maximum – Rs. 1835
  3. 4 year after reaching maximum – Rs. 2455
  1. 5 year after reaching maximum – Rs. 3045
  2. Fixed Personal Pay : Increment Portion : Clerks Rs. 1990; Substaff Rs. 1000
  3. FPP : Clerks – where HRA is paid : Rs. Rs. 2262; where accommodation is provided Rs. 2043
  4. FPP : Substaff – where HRA is paid : Rs. Rs. 1140; where accommodation is provided Rs. 1025
  1. Dearness Allowance – DA Rate : 0.07% per slab of 4 points over 6352 points of Index
  2. DA Rate for Nov. 2017 : 2.66 % ; for November, 2020 : 23.80%
  3. Special Allowance : clerks and substaff : 16.4 % on Basic Pay + DA thereon
  4. Transport Allowance : Rs. 600 p.m. + DA thereon
  5. House Rent Allowance : HRA – Rate : 10.25% at all centres/places
  6. Where an employee is transferred by the management (other than at request) he can claim HRA at 150 % of his/her HRA on production of rent receipt.
  7. Annual Medical Aid Rs. 2355
  8. Hospitalisation expenses – covered by Group Medical Insurance Policy – entire premium will be paid by the Bank. Employee need not pay anything.
  9. Medical Insurance scheme for retirees will continue with multiple options.
45.Notice period for availing Privilege Leave (other than for LFC) will be 10 days ( now 15 days)
46.Privilege leave taken on sick grounds when there is no sick leave at credit will not be counted as an occasion of availing PL.
47.From the calendar year 2020, besides encashment of PL at the time of retirement and during availment of LFC, PL Encashment would be permitted at 5 days every calendar year (7 days in case of employees / officers of 55 years of age and above) at the time of any festival of their choice.
48.Beyond 30 years of service, additional sick leave will be granted at 1 month per year subject to a max. of 720 days in entire service. (it is 630 days now)
49.Women employees can avail sick leave for the sickness of their children (upto 8 years of age) on production of medical certificate.

50. Extra ordinary Leave on loss of pay can be availed for 120 days at a time. (Now 90 DAYS)

  1. Leave on loss of pay on medical grounds will count for seniority in service.
  2. Maternity Leave can be availed in combination/ continuation with other kind of leave.
53.15 days leave with salary will be granted as additional ML for Hysterectomy operation where ML limit is exhausted.
54.Within the overall period of 12 months, Maternity leave may be granted upto 6 weeks in case of MTP/miscarriage/ abortion, and if required upto 6 months .
55.Maternity Leave for legal adoption of one child will be upto a max. of 9 months.(now 6 months)

56. Maternity Leave for delivery for twin children shall be 8 month (now 6 montsh)

57. Within the overall period of 12 months, Maternity leave may be granted upto 30 days for the period of hospitalisation for the treatment of certain specified ailments, subject to production of necessary certificate from the hospital.

58. Paternity Leave can be sanctioned in case of child adoption.

59.Absence from office due to curfew, riots, prohibitory orders, natural calamities, flood, etc. at the place of work or residence will be treated as special leave on duty.

60.LFC: permissible Distance will be revised as 2200 km/4400 km for non-substaff and 2600 km/5200 km for substaff

  1. Employees will be permitted to travel by own car while on LFC
  2. Road Mileage charges will be revised from Rs. 6 per km to Rs. 8 per km
63.Train fare by Shatabdi and Rajdhani express trains (non-Executive Class) will be reimbursed under LFC if travel is undertaken by these trains.
64.Charges for local sightseeing while on LFC will be reimbursed within the entitlement on production of bills from approved operators.
65.LFC – if both husband and wife are working in the same Bank, they will be entitled to LFC individually.( so far not permitted)

66. GST charges on train fare will be paid over and above the entitlement

67.For employees working in North East States, LFC will begin from Guwahati and the fare from their place of work to Guwahati will be additionally paid. Similarly, Andaman Nicobar islands to Chennai/ Kolkata, Lakshadweep to Kochi, far-flung area branches in HP, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, J & K or any other areas which are not directly connected by train, fare to nearest major railway station will be additionally reimbursed under LFC in addition to normal entitlement.
68.For actual travel under LFC, train fare under dynamic fare system as on the date of booking of tickets will be reimbursed.
  1. Pony and Dolly charges as per Govt rates. Will be paid within LFC entitlements
  2. One more option will be given to choose between 2 years block or 4 years block
  3. Income criteria for definition of dependents will be revised from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 12,000
72.For definition of Family, physically/mentally challenged children of employees will continue to be treated as dependents even after their marriage subject to income criteria of dependents.
73.Definition of family for coverage under Group Medical Insurance Policy/reimbursement of medical expenses and LFC – Any two of parents or parents-in-law – I.e. father & mother, father-in-law & mother-in-law, father and mother-in-law, mother and father-in-law, to be covered
74.For employees transferred out of station under Deployment policy, the compensation amount will be revised from Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 per month.(other than SBI)
75.When employees shift their personal effects while on transfer to another station, Breakage charges will be paid atRs. 1650 for clerks and Rs. 1100 for substaff (on production of receipt). Rs. 1100 for clerks and Rs. 825 for substaff (on Declaration basis).
  1. Cycle Allowance will be increased from Rs. 100 to Rs. 150
  2. Washing Allowance will be increased from Rs. 150 to Rs. 200
  3. Split Duty Allowance – Rs. 150 to Rs. 200
79.Project Area Compensatory Allowance – will be increased to Project Area Group A – Clerk : Rs.290 Substaff Rs. 230 Project Area Group B – Clerk : Rs 230 Substaff Rs. 200
80.Project Area HRA ( A or B )will be paid at branches opened in Special Economic Zone, Export Promotion Zone, etc
81.Revision in Halting Allowance/Diem Allowance while on duty in another station12 lacs and above – 5-12 lacs
Below 5 lacs -clerk Clerk clerkRs. 1050 Rs. 900Rs. 675substaff Rs. 750 substaff Rs 600substaff Rs. 375


82. Alternatively, employees can stay in hotel and the room rent will be reimbursed by the Bank as under:

At 12 lacs & above centres: Clerk : Rs. 2500 – Substaff Rs. 1250 per day At 5 to 12 lacs centres : Clerk : Rs. 2000 – Substaff Rs. 1000 per day Atothercentres – Clerk: Rs.1500-SubstaffRs.750perday

In such cases of reimbursement of hotel rent, boarding charges at 25% of the haling allowance shall be payable.

83. Revision in Hill and Fuel Allowance 3000M> 1550-3000 <1500M

8 % MAX Rs 2250. 4%MAX Rs900 3%MAX Rs 750

84. Transportation of personal effects by train or road while on transfer from one station to another will be revised as under

Non Sub-staff a. For married persons 3500 kg. b. For unmarried persons 2500 kg.

Sub-staff 2500 kg. 1500 kg

85. PLI Scheme will be introduced from the FY 2020-21 – Depending on the profit of the Bank, 5 days, 10 days or 15 days Pay+DA will be paid as Performance Linked Incentive

86. Banks contribution to the NPS fund will be at 14 % of Pay & Dearness Allowance instead of 10% ( from date of Government approval)

87. Service Charges under New Pension Scheme will not be recovered from the employees and will be paid by the Banks.

  1. Family Pension will be improved to 30% for all without any ceiling – (from the date of Govt. approval)
  2. Employees removed from service under Voluntary Cessation Scheme will be eligible for retirement benefits including pension, if otherwise eligible.
90.Employees removed from service under Voluntary Cessation Scheme will be given the chance to represent/appeal against the decision.
91.Eligibility for claiming TA/DA by the Defence Representatives for attending departmental enquiries held outside the State. Such claims will be sanctioned by Banks looking to the merits of the claims.
92.Review of Clause 5 (j) relating to acts alleged as prejudicial to the interest of the Bank, “Doing any act prejudicial to the interest of the Bank” will be deleted from Clause 5 j under major misconduct
93.Acts alleged as prejudicial to the interest of the Bank. This will be included under Minor Misconduct as a new Clause 7 (q).
94.Clarification with regard to provision of Clause 6 e of Settlement dt 10-4-2002 i.e. bringing down by two stages in the scale of pay. The specific period of rigour shall be mentioned in the punishment order. It can be for a maximum of 2 years without cumulative effect and annual increment / stagnation increment falling due during the rigour period will be released on respective due dates
95.Clarification will be given that acts of minor misconducts clearly enumerated under Clause 7 of Settlement dated 10.4.2002 should not be brought as major misconduct under Clause 5.
96.Multiple charges, as per the procedural lapses, can be made for one incident. However, punishment given shall be only one.
97.Disciplinary Authority to be given the discretion to decide whether the punishment will affect superannuation benefit or not.

98. Imposing ‘Fine’ as punishment should be deleted from the list of punishments.

99.Provision to be added for making an Appeal against suspension of employees. Representation would be permitted for consideration by management
100.Provision for a Review authority above Appellate authority in case of punishments of Dismissals, Discharge, Compulsory retirement and Removal from service . An Authority above the Appellate Authority will consider representations for review in cases of such punishments

Dear comrades, all these improvements have been possible only due to the abundant unity of our members, inspiring militancy of our cadres, unflinching loyalty to the organisation, unshakable faith in the leadership, and above, and unfathomable love towards AIBEA. Our red salute to all of you.

Yours comradely,