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We furnish herein the following letters addressed by UFBU to IBA/CLC.
To IBA on 12th BPS wage revision 2. To IBA on Residual issues
To CLC on Residual Issues

Letter No. 13 to IBA
Reg: Initiating discussions/negotiations on our Charter of Demands for revision of wages and service conditions.
You are aware that four Officers’ Unions (AIBOC, AIBOA, INBOC and NOBO) as well as four Workmen Organisations (AIBEA, NCBE, NOBW and INBEF) have submitted the Charter of Demands to IBA on 27.10.2022. You are also aware that BEFI has submitted a separate Charter of Demands to the IBA on 4.11.2022.
Since the period of XI Bipartite Settlement has expired on 31st October, 2022, the wages and service conditions have to be revised with effect from 1st November, 2022. Hence, we have submitted the fresh Charter of Demands for negotiations and discussions to arrive at the revised settlement.
We observe that IBA has not commenced the process so far. In the meeting of United Forum of Bank Unions held at Chennai on 15th December, 2022, the issue was discussed and the UFBU felt that IBA should take immediate steps to commence the process for completing the Bipartite Settlement at the earliest without much delay. The delay in arriving at conclusions and signing the settlement is frustrating and demotivating and is generally resented to by the rank and file employees and officers. Hence, it is imperative that the process is started immediately so that the settlement can be signed as early as possible.
In this regard, the meeting observed that IBA has not yet referred our Charter of Demands to the Banks to obtain their mandate to start the discussions. We request you to take immediate steps to obtain mandate from the Banks so that this does not become an issue to be agitated upon.
Letter No. 14 to IBA
Reg: Discussion on residual issues
You are aware that due to paucity of time, when we signed the last Settlement on 11thNovember, 2020, some of the important issues could not be fully discussed and

finalized, particularly important issues like introduction of 5 Banking Days per week, Updation of Pension etc.
Hence, the minutes were signed with the unions on the various residual issues on 10-12- 2020 and 4-1-2021. Since no discussion was emanated by the IBA, we had to serve a notice of strike on the IBA to resort to strike action on 27th June, 2022. In the consequent conciliation meeting held by the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), the IBA agreed to commence the negotiations with a view to resolve the issues amicably in a time-bound manner. While the discussions started in right earnest on 1st July, 2022, only one more round of discussions took place on 23rd September, 2022. We are constrained to observe that none of the residual issues have been resolved so far. Similarly, while the updation of family pension has been made, the important issue of updation of pension remains unresolved. In the context of unabated inflation and its impact on the cost of living, the pensioners deserve periodical updation of pension. Hence, this issue has to be addressed on a priority basis.
The issue was discussed in the recent meeting of United Forum of Bank Unions held at Chennai on 15th December, 2022, and the meeting demanded of the IBA for expeditious resolution of all the residual issues so that thereafter, the Charter for the next wage revision can be taken up. The meeting took serious note of the undue delay in resolving the residual issues and decided that if the undue delay continues, the UFBU will be left with no option than to revive our agitation and strike notice. Hence, we strongly urge upon the IBA to immediately hold a meeting and resolve the issues without further delay.
Letter No. 15 to CLC
Reg: Our strike notice dated 10-6-2022 and the conciliation meeting held on 21st and 23rd June, 2022.
You are aware that on the basis of our strike notice dated 10-6-2022, you have convened a joint discussion and conciliation meeting in your office on 21st and 23rd June 2022. In the said meeting, we explained the undue delay on the part of IBA in discussing the residual issues pending for nearly two years. With your intervention and advise, the IBA agreed to commence the negotiation from 1st July, 2022, and hence, UFBU had agreed to defer the strike action.
While the discussions started on 1.7.2022, and one more round of discussions also took place on 23.9.2022, no tangible improvement has taken place in the discussions or on our demands. Hence, this is agitating the minds of the bank employees and officers about the non-serious approach of the IBA.
Before we once again revive our agitation, we take this opportunity to represent to you to intervene in the matter appropriately so that IBA comes forward and finds amicable solution to the residual issues.
With Greetings,
Yours Comradely,

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