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United Forum of CSB Unions on struggle path Demanding implementation of wage revision as done in all Banks Call for 3 days’ Strike on 29th, 30th Sept. & 1st Oct. 2021 Extend all-out support to their agitation and strike

UFBU Circular : While wage revision has been extended to all other bank employees and officers all over the country in all the Banks in public sector, private sector and foreign banks, the management of CSB Bank (Catholic Syrian Bank) not only did not give mandate to IBA but is also refusing to implement the wage revision for their employees and officers. All efforts and attempts of the Unions under United Forum of CSB Bank Unions have failed because the management continues to be adamant and obstinate.

In this background, the United Forum of CSB Bank Unions (AIBEA-AIBOC- BEFI-INBEF) has announced a month-long agitation programme and a call for 3 days’ continuous strike on 29th and 30th September and 1st October, 2021.

From UFBU, we fully support their agitation and strike call and we have addressed a letter to the bank management to see reason and implement wage revision.

We call upon all our unions and members to extend their support and solidarity for their agitation and extend all-out support to

their struggle. With greetings,

Sd.. S K Bandlish, Convener

Yours comradely,


1. UFBU Letter to United Forum of CSB Bank Unions 2. UFBU Letter to MD&CEO, CSB Bank ltd.



United Forum of CSB Bank Unions

1. Com. Latheesh Kumar K J, GS, CSBOA-AIBOC 2. Com. Jerin K John, GS, CSBSF-BEFI
3. Com. Joseph Kuriakose, GS, CSBSA-AIBEA
4. Com. Babu Jose M, GS, CSBASU-INBEF


Dear Comrade,

We are in receipt of your letter No. 06 dated 24-08-2021 seeking the support of UFBU for your agitation and 3 days strike demanding implementation of wage revision for employees and officers as per Bipartite Settlement/Joint Note signed by Unions with IBA on 11-11-2020.

We note that your United Forum of CBS Bank Unions has also announced the call for 3 days strike on 29th & 30th September and 1st October, 2021.

As discussed and decided in the UFBU meeting held at Mumbai on 25-08- 2021, we extend our fraternal support to your agitation and strike call. We shall advise our constituent Unions to extend all support to your agitational programmes.

We shall also address a letter to your Bank management demanding wage revision for employees and officers as per the 11th Bipartite Settlement/8th Joint Note signed with IBA on 11-11-2020.

We wish your agitation all success.

UFBU LETTER No. UFBU/2021/12 Dated 07.09.2021

The Managing Director & CEO CSB Bank Ltd.,
Head Office

Dear Sir,

Reg: Wage revision for employees and officers of your Bank as per 11th Bipartite Settlement and 8th Joint Note signed between Unions and IBA on 11th November, 2020.

You are aware that up to the last wage revision process, that is, 10th Bipartite Settlement, CSB Bank Ltd. had given the mandate to IBA and accordingly was party to the common and uniform wage revision settlement arrived at the industry-level. Unfortunately, this time, we found that your Bank had not given the mandate to IBA and hence was not covered by the 11th Bipartite Wage revision Settlement/8th Joint Note on Officers wage revision.

We were expecting that during the course of negotiations, your Bank would extend the mandate and become a party to the common and uniform wage revision settlement. To our disappointment, this did not happen and hence

employees and officers of your Bank have been deprived of wage revision while the entire fraternity of bank employees and officers from all public sector banks, all the old generation private sector banks and foreign banks have been extended wage revision.

With your longtime association with the banking sector, you are well aware that wage revision is one of the important ways of enabling the workforce to maintain and improve their standard of living and denial of the same is a major disincentive and demotivation for the staff. The entire process of working out a common wage revision has been based on the overall ability of the banking sector with varying levels of profitability and productivity. The common Settlement therefore encompasses all Banks with fluctuating range of working results.

In this background, you will agree and appreciate that only employees and officers of your Bank being left out of wage revision is unfair and discriminative.

We learn that all efforts of our Unions in your Bank to convince the management to extend them the wage revision on the same lines like all other Banks has not yielded any positive results and hence they are naturally agitated over the denial of wage revision to them.

As you will be aware, the recent wage settlement signed in November, 2020 was preceded by 42 months of negotiations, right from May, 2017 when the negotiations commenced. During this long period, not only expectations of the workforce but also the concerns of the Banks and the managements were kept in mind while reaching conclusions. Hence CSB Bank alone keeping itself away from the common wage settlement defies logic and reasoning and bordering obstinacy.

We fully support the demand of the employees and officers of CSB Bank and our Unions for their justified expectations and legitimate grievance of being denied the due wage revision.

The first Bipartite Settlement on common and uniform wage revision was signed in 1966 and in the last 55 years, 11 such common settlements have been finalized. There is not a single instance of any Bank having suffered for being a part of the uniform wage revision process.

We are sure that keeping the larger interest of the Bank and its future progress and business development, the management of your Bank will review and reconsider the decision and extend wage revision to employees and officers of your Bank as per the 11th Bipartite Settlement/8th Joint Note signed with the IBA.

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