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Unfair labour practices continue in Bank of Maharashtra – Our letter No. 17 dt. 14-2-2023 – seeking your intervention.

We draw your kind attention to our above letter on the increasing unfair labour practices of the management of Bank of Maharashtra and the increasing instances of attacks.
We had informed you that the management issued instruction that for 3 days of trade union strike, 8 days salary will be deducted from salary be adding the prefixing and suffixing Saturday, Sunday, and holiday.
The issue was taken by the United Forum of Mahabank Unions with the Dy. CLC, Mumbai for his intervention. As per his advice, the RLC, Mumbai seized the issue into conciliation. During the conciliation, the RLC clearly advised and accordingly incorporated in the proceedings that the Bank should not make such recovery.
The issue is still further conciliation. But in the meantime, the salary for the current month was paid today and for all the officers, the Bank has recovered 8 days salary for 3 days strike.
Already, in violation of ID Act and TU Act, they are refusing to discuss with elected trade union office bearers and union offices have been forcibly evicted. Violation of Bipartite Settlement continues.
The issue was discussed in the Central Committee meeting of AIEBA and viewed the same seriously as a deliberate attack on our trade unions and our legitimate rights.
We are afraid that if the management continues with such illegal and unfair actions, not only the industrial relations in Bank of Maharashtra will further deteriorate, but this will also lead to supportive agitation and actions including strike actions by all other bank employees at the call of AIBEA. Hence we seek your urgent and effective intervention in the matter to avoid such precipitations from our side.
Thanking you,
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