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UFBU decides to revive our agitation demanding resolution of our issues
March on to All India Strike on 30th and 31st January, 2023


In view of this, a meeting of UFBU was held today at Mumbai to review and take necessary decisions. After deliberations and discussions, the meeting came to the inescapable conclusion that even though all our demands are genuine and reasonable, the same are being ignored by the IBA and hence, unanimously decided to revive and relaunch our agitational programmes.
We are also experiencing that in all the banks, there is acute shortage of staff in most of the branches in all the cadres and the bank managements are not recruiting adequate number of staff to fill up these vacancies. With the result, the existing employees and officers are forced with heavy workload leading to frustration and demotivation of the workforce.
Keeping the above in mind, the meeting decided to revive our agitational programmes and resort to All India Strike in all the banks on 30th and 31st January, 2023, on the following demands.

  1. Introduction of 5 banking days a week.
  2. Updation of Pension for past retirees.
  3. Resolution of residual issues.
  4. Adequate recruitment in all cadres to ensure better customer service.
  5. Scrap New Pension Scheme and restore Old Pension Scheme.
  6. Immediate commencement of negotiations on Charter of Demands for wage revision.
    The following preparatory programmes were also decided upon to be observed.
    14.01.2023 16.01.2023 20.01.2023 24.01.2023 25.01.2023 27.01.2023
    30 & 31.01.2023
    Serving Strike Notice on IBA
    Display of posters
    Demonstrations at all Centres
    Badge Wearing
    Demonstrations at all Centres
    Press Statements/ Demonstrations at all Centres All India Strike
    Comrades, our endeavour has been to resolve our demands amicably through negotiations but in view of the indifferent approach and delaying tactics of the IBA, we have been compelled to revive and resort to agitational programmes.
    We call upon all our unions and members to respond enthusiastically and implement the programmes successfully.
    With Greetings
    Yours Comradely,
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