Strike in SBI-Kerala Circle on 24th February 2023 against new marketing models and for Recruitment

Demanding Roll back of the new business model MPSF Plan, recruitment, dignified Work-Life for Staff, enhanced Customer Service and value-based, Workforce-friendly HR Policies, Travancore State Bank Employees Association, Kerala Circle affiliate of AISBIEA(AIBEA) is going on strike on 24th February, 2023 in the state of Kerala.
Multi-Product Sales Force (MPSF) teams have been formed by reducing staff from the Branches and forced them to the field for marketing. At a time when branches are reeling under severe staff shortage, MPSF business model and marketing will neither benefit Customers coming to the branches nor field-marketing, pointed out TSBEA. Those deployed for marketing have been identified at random without considering their disposition towards marketing, their health, aptitude etc. and such Employees are under severe problems and stress. Employees remaining in the branches are bearing the extra-burden consequent to staff-reduction.
TSBEA is in agitation in SBI-Kerala Circle since December 2022 and has moved ahead with campaigns keeping in view the needs of the Customers and Employees. The issues were raised in the Kerala Legislative Assembly by the Legislators and responded by the State Finance Minister. Our Union TSBEA has been pointing out to the needs for improving business and service, for considerable increase in Credit to Deposit Ratio and Priority Sector Lending that have gone done much below requisite benchmarks. Management is yet to respond positively on these vital issues.
Our State Federation AKBEF, its District and Town Committees are extending all out support to TSBEA in its campaign and struggles and for the strike.
AIBEA greets the fighting Comrades of TSBEA in pursuit of the demands and needs of the Employes and Customers of SBI in Kerala and extends its support and solidarity for the strike on February 24.
With Greetings, Yours Comradely,