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Strike deferred but tasks ahead:

We have already informed our units and members that after our call for Strike on 19th November, there were hectic efforts through discussions with IBA and concerned Bank managements and also before CLC which paved the way for arriving at some understandings on 18th late evening and thus the strike was deferred. The details of the minutes signed before the CLC is by now in the knowledge of all our units and members.
The crux of our agitation was mainly to demand the managements to uphold bilateralism, to adhere to provisions of Bipartite Settlement and to abide by TU Act and ID Act. the violation of which had resulted in conflicts, disputes, harassments, victimisation, etc.
We are happy that the CLC, DFS have categorically stated that the labour laws and Settlements should not be violated managements and the issues pertaining to industry-level settlement like outsourcing are to be resolved at IBA level and not at Bank-level. Similarly, window has been opened to amicably resolve issues pertaining to Sonali Bank, Federal Bank, CSB Bank, Citi Bank and MUFG Bank within the provisions of existing laws and settlements.
Now that normalcy has been restored, we are sure that IBA would send necessary advisory to the Banks on the issues involved. We also hope that the managements of the concerned Banks will come forward to discuss with our Unions and work out mutually acceptable solutions through bilateral discussions.
All of us are committed to bilateralism and that is why we have to strain ourselves to retain this hard-won right of collective bargaining and bipartism. For that we need to be vigilant and be prepared to raise our voice upon any infringement of the same. This task is before us.
Winter Session of Parliament to begin on 7th Dec. 2022 –Get ready : It is learnt that the ensuing Winter Session of the Parliament will commence from 7th December, 2022. Hence, we should be ready to plunge into actions looking to developments during the Session regarding any attempt of the Government to bring the Privatisation Bill.
With greetings.
Yours Comradely,

File No.21(10)/2022-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)
Date : 18.11.2022
Minutes of the Joint Discussions convened by the CLC (C) on 18.11.2022 over the strike notice served by AIBEA
Department of Financial Services, the IBA, the Banks and the AIBEA are present as per the attendance sheet enclosed. The representatives from the CSB Bank joined through the video conference.

  1. At the outset of the discussions, the CLC (C) gave opportunity to the IBA to list out the developments made as per the directions given on the discussions held on 10.11.2022. The IBA informed that a meeting was held on 16.11.2022 at IBA with the representatives from Banks and the IBA. He mentioned bank-wise progress made and summarized that although much grounds have been covered, some more grounds are yet to be covered. The IBA concluded that the call of strike from the AIBEA as of now stands. He appealed to the AIBEA that the since discussions and dialogues have already begun they should call off their strike.
    The AIBEA on its side also agreed that the progress have been made at the discussions held on 16.11.2022. However there are several pending issues on which clarity from the management and actionable outcomes should come up.
    The representative from the DFS also requested the union to call of the strike as most contending issues mentioned in the strike have already been addressed or directed to be addressed through discussions either bilaterally or at the IBA level. After protracted discussions and detailed deliberations, and on the persuasion by the CLC (C), the conclusions arrived on below mentioned terms.
    (i) The CLC (C) advised the banks and the AIBEA to discuss the issues related to the outsourcing and transfer policy at the IBA as the matters now stand referred to them. The AIBEA and the Banks agreed that till final decision at the IBA level is taken no unilateral actions should be taken by the Banks.
    (ii) The CLC (C) advised the DFS also to issue appropriate directions to all banks in regard to the compliance of labour laws, in particular the ID Act 1947 and the Trade Union Act 1926, by the managements of the banks.
    Today in the course of the joint discussions, the representatives of the

(iii) The CLC (C) assured that wherever the matter related to outsourcing are pending before Regional Offices of the CLC (C), appropriate instructions would be issued to hold on the pending IDs pertaining to the AIBEA.
(iv) The management of Sonali Bank Ltd. has agreed to start meaningful bilateral discussions with the AIBEA within fifteen days to resolve their issues within the provisions of the ID Act 1947 and the provisions of Bipartite Settlements.
(v) The meeting noted that management of CSB Bank is ready to discuss the issue of wage revision upon receiving the charter of demands from the unions.
(vi) The management of MUFG Bank stated that they are ready to meet the union representatives upon receiving written request from the union to discuss the issue, while stating that the issue is pending before the Tribunal.
(vii) The management of Citi Bank is advised to discuss the issues raised by the AIBEA with their union representatives to find amicable solutions in a time bound manner.
(viii) The AIBEA decided to defer their proposed All India Strike on 19.11.2022 and restore normalcy.
Rep. of the Union Rep. of the IBA Rep. from DFS Sd.. C H Venkatachalam sd.. Brajeswar Sharma sd.. K B Nayyar
Sd.. Remis Thiru
Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)

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