Staff unrest and agitation in Bank of Maharashtra Strike call given by 4 Award staff Unions

Shri A S Rajeev,
Managing Director & CEO, Bank of Maharashtra Central Office, ‘Lokmangal’, 1501, Shivajinagar, Pune-411005

Dear Shri Rajeev,

You are aware that there has been ongoing staff unrest and agitation by the 4 Award Staff Unions viz. AIBOMEF, BOMKM, BOMKS, and MNS on various very vital and important issues concerning the staff and the Bank. While, as compared to earlier years of instability and concern about the performance of your Bank, in the recent years, the Bank has been able to steady itself in terms of its performance in various business parameters.

While your effective business leadership is one of the main reasons for the better performance of the Bank, you will agree that the staff of your Bank have played a very crucial role in terms of their involvement, attitude, commitment, positive customer orientation, business development, etc. thus supplementing your leadership role in taking the bank to better heights.

While so, when the entire banking system in general and your Bank in particular will be passing through very challenging times in the ensuing decade, further strengthening the Bank would obviously be the common endeavour. From AIBEA we are committed to this responsibility as those who fought for the nationalisation of the Banks.

But, besides our commitment to the cause of the Bank, a congenial and cordial industrial relations climate is equally imperative to accomplish this task. But then, as you more aware, cordial relationship can be built up only through mutual trust and dialogue. The present staff unrest and agitation implies that the same is lacking atpresent.

Further, the issues on which the Unions are agitating are also very reasonable and genuine, not only from the employees point of view but also from the Bank’s point of view.

For example, there is acute shortage of staff in your Bank as the same is obvious from all the statistical information available to us relating to increase in quantum and volume of business over the years with resultant corresponding heavy workload on the staff, which is quite evident from the per employee and per branch business as compared to the dwindling staff strength in the branches.

While there are number of branches without any clerk, or substaff or part time employee, the same position cannot be continued any longer as employees have reached the camel’s back. You would appreciate that prolonged shortage of staff and staff frustration and demotivation always go together. Needless to add that demotivated workforce cannot deliver the desired business results. Hence it is high time that the Bank goes for adequate recruitment of staff in all cadres. This has been one of the most important demands of the agitation.

There are other important staff related issues and demands that require immediate attention, consideration and redressal. We strongly believe that there is enough strength and conviction on the sides of both the management and the Unions to find amicable solutions to the issues because both sides are bound by the common goal of Bank’s future interest.

We shall thank you for your positive intervention in the matter to force the administration to find peaceful solution to the demands, rather than allowing them to fore the unions to agitate.

As head of the institution, we expect you to initiate steps to unwind the conflict and industrial unrest in the Bank and help to restore cordial and congenial industrial relations through solution of the demands on mutually acceptable basis.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,