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Second wave of corona virus infection Spread is faster now Ensure health safety of employees Adhere to all safety norms – Our Appeal

Dear Comrades,

Second wave of corona virus infection Spread is faster now
Ensure health safety of employees Adhere to all safety norms 
– Our Appeal

The whole of last year, the entire country was in the grip of the pandemic situation due to corona virus infection. Many people died due to this deadly virus. As per reports, more than 1,65,000 people have lost their lives so far. Because Banking services were defined as essential service, bank employees had to attend Banks to do their job and bank employees and officers have done it exceedingly well.

Braving all odds and difficulties, they have attended their duties, sometimes risking their lives. We took up many initiatives by which managements extended relaxation in attendance, reduced business hours, working from home, exemption from attendance, etc. Most of the Banks have made Schemes for financial compensation to the family of the staff who lost their lives.

It appeared that the number of infected people was getting less which gave the impression that the problem of pandemic is almost over. Things were coming back to some normalcy. The report of availability of vaccine also gave some comfort.

But in the recent weeks we have observed that there is a second wave of virus infection and this time, the spread of the infection is much faster. The problem is getting repeated and many people are getting infected now. In some Branches, all the employees got infected. In some Head Office, Zonal office, etc, most of the staff have been infected.

Hence, we appeal to all our unions and members to take all precautions and care while attending offices. Social distancing, sanitising, mask wearing and other norms are to be strictly adhered to.

We have given our campaign programme like collection of signatures in the Petition to prime Minister, etc. We have also given programme on celebration of Platinum Jubilee of AIBEA. These are no doubt important. But more important is the health safety of the employees. Employees’ health safety is our top concern. These programmes are to be undertaken strictly adhering to the prescribed safety norms. Virtual meetings can eb held so as to avoid physical assembly of employees. All our Unions are requested to move accordingly.

We are taking up with managements, IBA and Government to restore the relaxation norms, etc. so that there is some relief to the employees. We will keep our unions informed about these developments. Our Unions are also requested to take up necessary measures with the local authorities, Government officials, State-level SLBC, etc.

Last year, during the pandemic situation, our Unions and members did commendable job of organising relief measures to help the affected people. Many activities were undertaken by our Unions. As many as 625 relief programmes were carried out and our Unions had spent more Rs. 3 cores of funds on these activities. From AIBEA funds, we decided and offered Rs. One crore to foot the train fare of the migrant workers but the Government refused to accept it and there was no response from the Government.

Now also it is our duty to help the people during the current pandemic situation. But since the spread of the virus infection is fast, we feel that such activities to help the people can be undertaken at the Branch level and not in a centralized manner like last year. Our members need not be exposed to the risk of infection through such programmes. We are sure that our Unions will keep this in mind while organising relief work.

We once again appeal to all our unions and members to take all precautions and care while attending offices or undertaking union programmes. Social distancing, sanitising, mask wearing and other norms are to be strictly adhered to.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,


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