Remembering our beloved leader Com. P. Balakrishnan On the 3rd Death Anniversary

Remembering our beloved leader Com. P. Balakrishnan On the 3rd Death Anniversary

Death be not proud, you have taken him away Com. Balakrishnan lives in our heart for ever

Three years ago, on this day, we lost one of the precious leaders of our movement, Com. P Balakrishnan.
Com. P. Balakrishnan, was the General Secretary of All India Co-op. Bank Employees Federation, President of Tamilnadu Bank Employees Federation and Central Committee member of AIBEA.
With his death, the glorious innings of more than four decades of immeasurable and impeccable contribution to bank employees movement, particularly to the cause of co-operative bank employees came to an end.
Even during his college days, Com Balakrishnan was active in the students movement. He joined the Tamilnadu State Co-operative Bank in June 1966. That was a period when co-operative bank employees were not fully organised in our movement. Com. Balakrishnan showed keen interest in trade union and showed all potentials of an emerging leader.
He was highly inspired by the leadership of Com N Sampath and Com C.S Subramaniam and devoted himself to organise the co-operative bank employees in Tamilnadu along with late Com V.P. Srinivasan.
Due to his untiring work, today co-op. bank employees in Tamilnadu are one of the most militant and loyal contingent of AIBEA.
When AIBEA decided to give an exclusive shape to Co-op. Bank employees unions at all India level and accordingly orgnaised All India Co-op. Bank Employees Federation in 1987, Com. Balakrishnan was the natural and obvious choice to be elected as the General Secretary which post he held with esteem till his last breath.
He strived hard and built up AICBEF as a major organisation representing overwhelming majority of co-op. bank employees all over the country.
He had the unique opportunity to closely work under stalwart leaders like Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti, Com. N Sampath and Com Sushil Ghosh and thus developed into a visionary leader. He was committed to strengthening the co-op. banking system in our country as well as to fight for the betterment of the co-op. bank employees.
It will not be an exaggeration to say that he was a crusader for a vibrant co-op. banking sector and fought for revitalizing the co-op. banks. His sterling role championing the cause of Short Term Co-op. Banks and pioneering role in getting the Vaidyanathan Committee recommendations implemented enabled these Banks to get a new lease of life.
Even though he spent a major of his time and energy for the revitalisation of co-op. banks and emancipation of co-op. bank employees, his commitment, conviction, dedication and involvement in the total movement under the banner of AIBEA was remarkable and incredible.
He never allowed himself to be imprisoned within the precincts of co-op. bank employees movement and always intertwined himself with the general movement of bank employees under the banner of AIBEA.
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to our movement, in 2014 he was elected as the President of Tamilnadu Bank Employees Federation, the first-ever leader from co-op. banking sector to head a State Federation of AIBEA.

He was a member of the Central Committee of AIBEA for the more than two decades and took active part in the proceedings of the CC meetings with his inimitable views and suggestions to enrich the decisions of AIBEA.
As a leader, he had all the qualities of head and heart which endeared him to one and all. His humble qualities made him dearer to senior leaders of our organisation.
His love, affection and amiable disposition towards rank and file members reflected his humane qualities.
He was enviously popular amongst the masses of co-op. bank employees all over the country.
He was highly partisan to the cause and demands of the employees but he had his unique knack of pursuing the demands effectively at governmental level. He was relentless in his efforts to improve the lot of the co-op. bank employees. In the recent years, he was endeavouring to achieve pension for the co-op. bank employees.
By his lifelong contribution to our movement in the co-op. banking sector, Com. Balakrishnan came to symbolise the hopes and aspirations of co-op. bank employees. He became the doyen of co-op. bank employees movement. His death was a grievous loss to our movement. Com. Balakrishnan was a rare species of a leader. It is difficult to get leaders like Com Balakrishnan.
We will always remain indebted to Com Balakrishnan for his contribution to our movement of bank employees. We will cherish his memory for ever. His life of dedication to the cause of co-op. bank employees will always inspire us.
While remembering our beloved leader Com Balakrishnan on the occasion of his 3rd Death Anniversary, let us take the pledge that we shall heighten our efforts to strengthen the movement of co-operative bank employees in Tamilnadu.