Proper Customer Services – our duty

Our attention has been drawn to a video clipping being circulated widely in the social media in which a bank employee is seen slapping a customer. Such behavior on the part of any employee is unacceptable.
We are fully aware that bank employees are working under very stressful conditions in the Branches arising out inadequate staff in the Branches, increased volume of work, deliberately quarrelsome customers, over-expectations of the customers, unupgraded technology systems, etc.
But all these and other problems can in no way justify misbehavior with customers. Overwhelming majority of the customers who come to the Branches are poor and middle-class people, small traders, etc. Broadly we have no issues with them and hence we need their support in our campaign against privatisation of Banks and other ani-people banking reforms.
Such instances here and there will go against the reputation of the Banks and more so against the entire staff and our Unions. Hence we should take utmost care to ensure that we extend best possible services to the customers. If there are difficulties, it needs to be taken with higher authorities or with our Unions. In no way we can lose our temper with the customers, even if they sometimes over-react or make a mountain of a mole. Such troublesome customers a very few and we have to tactfully handle them instead of allowing them to create a scene in the Branches. Because, whatever may the issue, the blame will come on the staff members.
Majority of the customers understand our problems and difficulties and extend their co-operation. But there are also some people waiting to blame the public sector Banks for anything and everything and we should be careful not to give a handle to them to castigate and ridicule public sector Banks.
Banks need customers. Customers need Banks. Hence there has to be more harmony between customers and employees. We should avoid conflicts and confrontation with customers. Despite our constraints, let us extend best possible customer services.
C.H. VENKATACHALAM General Secretary