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Office bearers Meeting


A meeting of the office Bearers of AIBEA was virtually held today evening to report on the details of the decisions of the UFBU meeting held at Mumbai on 8th June, 2022 as well as the discussion held with IBA on that day on medical insurance scheme. The meeting was presided over by Com Rajen Nagar, President of AIBEA.

The meeting condoled the brutal killing of Com Vijay Kumar, the young Branch Manager of SBI Sponsored RRB, Ellaquai Dehati Bank in Kashmir by some extremist forces and demanded that the Government and managements of Banks should ensure proper safety and security of bank staff working in such vulnerable areas.

UFBU’s Strike Call: The General Secretary explained the important decisions by which it has been decided by the UFBU to give a call for agitational programme and All India Strike on 27th June, 2022 on the following demands:

1. Introduction of 5 Day Banking – All Saturdays and Sundays to be holidays

2. Updation of Pension and Provision for updation in Pension Regulations

3. Scrap NPS for post-April, 2010 employees/officers and implement old pension scheme for them.

4. Resolve all other pending residual issues

5. Extend wage revision for employees and officers in CSB Bank (Catholic Syrian Bank) and DBS Bank (e-Lakshmi Vilas Bank).

All the Office Bearers deliberated on the agenda and underscored the importance of all these demands and the need to fully mobilise all our unions and members to implement the strike call successfully. All our unions are urged upon to move in the matter earnestly and ensure participation of our members with full involvement.

Struggle against privatisation of Banks: The General Secretary reported on the decision of UFBU that in the wake of next session of the Parliament during which there are indications that the Government may proceed with the Bank Privatisation Bill, our campaign and struggle against such moves have to be intensified.

UFBU has decided to organise a mass rally before Parliament during the Parliament Session as well as to give a call for strikes if the Bill is brought to the Parliament.

All our Unions should explain these decisions to our rank-and-file members to keep them prepared for these struggle programmes.

Medical Insurance Scheme – Discussions with IBA : The General Secretary reported about the details of the discussion held between IBA and Unions regarding medical insurance scheme, particularly the ways and means to reduce the rates of premium, especially for the retired employees.

For this purpose, from the Unions it has been indicated that the present rate of uniform bed charges of Rs. 5,000 per day in any hospital all over the country may be changed to a graded rate system of bed charge according to the place like metro cities, towns and semi-urban centres.

We have also suggested that some ceiling and cap can be kept for certain package treatments which would help to reduce the reimbursement and claim ratio that facilitate reduction in premium charges.

The issue would be discussed further with the IBA.

In the meantime, Our State Federations and Bankwise Unions may send us their suggestions if any in this regard which would result in reduced premium charges.

These suggestions may please be sent to us by email within the next 4/5 days so that we can suitably formulate our suggestions to IBA.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,


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