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Observe International Women’s Day : 8th March, 2022

On the occasion of the ensuing International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2022, we greet all our unions and convey our special greetings to our women members. Women are an integral part of the society. Working women are an inseparable part of the working class movement. But from time immemorial women are being denied their due and equal share in every walk of life. During the 2nd International Congress of Socialist Women held in Copenhagen in 1910, the renowned German Communist and trade union leader Com. Clara Jatkin proposed that a day be observed every year as International Women’s Day and since 1911 Women’s Day is being observed the world over. From 1914, it is being observed on 8th March. It is an occasion to pledge ourselves to carry forward the struggle for equality of women.

This year too, when we celebrate the International Women’s Day, we are gravely concerned about the increasing attacks on women and girls on their dignity and safety. Every now and then, news and instances continue to haunt us every now and then. We really feel ashamed at the barbarity of our society and the cruelty against women. Unless the Government can take adequate steps, womenfolk will continue to suffer from such ignominy, shame and neglect.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, let us all take the pledge that we shall fight for the protection and safety of women and also for equality of women in our society. It is not a charity but is what is due to them.

In addition to such social injustices, women also continue to be the special target of exploitation under the present neo-liberal economic policies. Women workers are being pushed into more and more casual, contractual and informal labour with indecent working conditions, low and discriminatory wages, denial of maternity benefits, sexual harassments, etc. Poverty is not only on the increase but it is also being feminized. More than 60% of the poor workers of the world are women. In unemployment also women suffer more. More than 100 million women are unemployed in the world.

Thus the women in general and working women in particular are paying a heavy price due to these neo-liberal and pro-capital economic policies. Women are commodified and womenfolk are commercialised.

Hence while we celebrate International Women’s Day, we must focus and campaign on these issues and fight against these challenges as a part of our trade unions’ role and responsibilities. We have to integrate women employees more and more in our organisational activities. In AIBEA, we are happy that women employees are increasingly playing an active role in our movement. We must enable them to play further greater role in our unions. Let this be our resolve when we celebrate the occasion.

This year, for the Women’s Day, United Nations has given the theme ‘Gender Equality today for a sustainable tomorrowLet us take some more steps that will inspire changes – changes towards equality for women.

We request all our unions to observe the occasion befittingly through meetings, leaflets, postering, social identification programmes, etc.

With greetings

Yours comradely,


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