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March on to All India Strike on 19th Nov. 2022. Fight against increasing attacks
on employees, unions, our rights, our jobs

We are sure that all our unions are preparing effectively to make our call for All India Strike on 19th Nov. 2022. At the cost of repetition, we wish to emphasise that the attacks heaped by the managements in various Banks are fundamental attacks questioning bipartism, bilateralism, collective bargaining, trade union rights, our jobs and job security, naked disobeyance of labour laws, intimidation of our union functionaries through victimisation – all aimed to weaken our unions and all targeted to de-unionise the employees. Rightly AIBEA has given the call. We should take every effort to mobilise our members to fight back against all these offensives and attacks.
UFBU extends full support to our Strike : In the meeting held at Mumbai on 4-11-2022, United Forum of Bank Unions has decided to extend full support to our strike. UFBU has given the following solidarity programme:
Demonstration on 18th Nov. evening after Office hours
All our unions in various Centres should get in touch with the UFBU units and hold this programme successfully.
Solidarity Strike on 19th Nov. by Central Bank Officers: Looking to the attacks on our Unions, particularly in Central Bank of India, All India Central Bank Officers Association (AIBOA Unit) has given the call to participate in the strike on 19th Nov. 2022. Hence, all our units should take care to be in touch their units in various places to participate in the demonstration and other programmes.
AIBEA extends all support to the 90 Regional Strikes in Central Bank of India: Against the various attacks, in Central Bank of India, United Forum of Central Bank Unions (AIBEA-AIBOA-INBEF-BEFI-NCBE-NOBW), has already they observed two days strike on 19th and 20th Sept. 2002. Since the issues are not resolved, UFCBU has given the call for 90 Regional Strikes (for 18 days continuously at 5 Regions per day) from 22-11-2022. AIBEA extends its total support to their agitation. Our State Federations are requested to take note of the same extend all help to them.
With greetings.
Yours Comradely,

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