Letter to Chief Executive IBA

Shri Sunil Mehta

Chief Executive
Indian Banks’ Association Mumbai

Dear Sir,


This has reference to our letter No. 82 dt. 10-4-2021 requesting the Indian Banks’ Association to issue some guidelines relating to Business Correspondents, Contract Employees, Jewel Appraisers, Deposit Collectors and temporary employees since all these sections of employees are equally affected and constrained by the present pandemic situation.

The local SLBCs have given guidelines on restricted attendance in Branches for the other regular employees. Bank managements have also extended various concessions to these employees like Work from Home facility, etc.

But none of these concessions are extended to Business Correspondents, Contract Employees, Jewel Appraisers, Deposit Collectors and temporary/casual employees. Due to local lockdown restrictions, containment, curfew, etc. they have been finding it difficult to attend Branches, particularly the contract/ outsourced/ casual employees but invariably they have not been paid their wages nor given leave of absence.

Finance Ministry has issued their guidelines dated 8-6-2021 providing that contract/outsourced/casual employees who could not attend office due to lockdown, etc. are to be treated as on duty and paid wage accordingly. We are enclosing herewith the copy of the said Government Guidelines and request you to advice member Banks on similar lines.

Thanking you,

Copy to:
Secretary, Dept. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, GOI

Yours faithfully,