Letter addressed by UFBU to IBA: CIRCULAR NO. 29/007/2023/31

Dear Comrades,
We reproduce herein the text of the letter addressed by UFBU to IBA on the following issues:

  • Introduction of 5 Banking Days per week.
  • Improvement in pension/updation
  • Restoration of old pension scheme to post-Apr. 2010 employees
  • Commencement of 12th BPS negotiations
    UFBU LETTER No. UFBU/2023/5 dt.2-06-2023
    Shri. Brajeshwar Sharma, Sr. Advisor – HR & IR, Indian Banks’ Association Mumbai.
    Dear Sir,
  1. Introduction of 5 Banking Days per Week:
    You are aware that in the last round of meeting held on 28-02-2023, tentative understandings were reached on the revision in business hours in order to introduce the system for 5 Banking Days per Week. You are aware that there is a lot of expectation on this issue and hence the delay is causing concern and frustration amongst the employees and officers at large. Hence, we request you to expedite the issue with the concerned stake holders and higher authorities.
  2. Improvement in Pension/Updation :
    The issue of updation and improvement in pension are also important residual issues and finding an amicable solution to these issues brooks no further delay. There is a need to hold another round of meeting between IBA and Unions to take the issue forward.
  3. Restoration of Old Pension Scheme:
    Regarding restoration of Old Pension Scheme i.e. DA-linked Pension Scheme for all the employees and officers who joined the Banks on or after 1-4-2010, it was agreed by the IBA during the conciliation meeting held before Dy. CLC, Mumbai in January, 2023 that the same would be taken up for negotiations during the discussion on the fresh Charter of Demands for the 12th Bipartite wage revision. But neither any

discussion with our Unions has taken place so far, nor the discussions on the 12th BP Charter of Demands has commenced to enable us to take up this important issue for discussions. Hence IBA should discuss this issue in the next round of meeting.

  1. Commencement of negotiations on Charter of Demands for wage revision
    Even though the last wage revision Settlement has ended in October, 2022 and fresh Charter of Demands have been submitted by the Unions, so far negotiations have not yet started on these demands.
    You are aware that this was one of the important issues in our Strike Notice and in the conciliation meeting IBA agreed to initiate the process and also solicit mandates from the Banks. So far, we have not heard anything from the IBA in this regard and more than six months have elapsed since the expiry of the last Settlement.
    On 20-01-2023, vide their communication to all the Banks and IBA, the DFS/ Government had advised that they may initiate the process of negotiations for the next wage revision due from 1-11-2022.
    This unwarranted delay in commencing the negotiations on our charter of demands is being viewed seriously by us. We hope that IBA will not delay the matter any further and commence the negotiations forthwith.
    It is to bring it to your kind notice that the delay is causing anxiety and creating restlessness amongst the employees and officers at large. Hence, we urge upon the IBA to expedite the process of fixing the date for the formal commencement of negotiations on the Charter of Demands pending receipt of mandate from all the Banks.
    Sd.. Sanjeev K Bandlish, Convener
    With greetings
    Yours Comradely,