Happy New year 2023- Back up your wishes with unity Back up your hopes with struggles To make the New Year Happy

As the year is fading out in a short while and the new year 2023 is dawning, we convey our greetings and good wishes to all our Unions, all our members and all our well-wishers for a HAPPY NEW YEAR ahead. We hope that the new year will bring us cheers.
Every year we exchange such greetings on the eve of new year with the hope that things would be better. But as employees and workers, our hopes are always belied.
In the year 2021, bank employees were forced to go on strike for 4 days to oppose the proposed privatisation of Banks. This year, in 2022, we went on strike for 2 days protesting against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of the Government.
In June, 2022, UFBU gave the call for strike but that was deferred because the IBA came forward to commence the discussions on our residual issues.
In November, 2022, AIBEA had to give the call for strike to oppose the increasing attacks on our job security, trade union rights and violation of Bipartite Settlement and labour laws. This was also deferred at the last minute because of the intervention of the Ministry of Labour and Finance. Thus, the year was full of struggles.
As we enter the new year 2023 with hopes and expectations, we are aware that we are surrounded by attacks and challenges.
Our residual issues are still pending. Our demand for updation of pension is yet to take a proper shape and can be realised only with struggles. Our Charter of Demands for 12th Bipartite Settlement is yet to take off. This will also require a lot of struggles to achieve.
Our struggle for adequate recruitments in the Banks brooks no delay and in the new year, this will be one of our important struggles. We need to build up a sustained campaign and struggle for achieving DA-lined Pension Scheme for the NPS-covered employees. Thus 2023 is not going to be an exception.

Similarly, the Government is busy with their agenda of privatisation of public sector banks. Government is also active with the proposals to adversely change the labour laws. Labour Codes have already been enacted as law. We also need to continue our struggle against the totally one-sided economic policies which are helping the rich and affecting the masses.
The worker produces everything but he is denied many things – right to decent livelihood, right to fair wages, right to job security and better service conditions, right to good health for the family, right to education for the children, right to have a roof over the head, etc. The worker is never greedy but only hopes for a better life and living standards.
But we find that greed of the capitalists and owners of means of production to amass wealth and deny even the minimum needs of the workers results in exploitation and is the root cause of all the woes of the working class. Hence the worker has to fight against all policies of exploitation and discrimination with a view to end the economic system and social order that supports this exploitation.
Indian worker is no exception. Through incessant struggles in last one century, Indian working class has gained some rights, to exist and to fight for justice. After 75 years of Independence, Indian working class is on the crossroads. Workers are facing unprecedented attacks and challenges. Our hopes and wishes are throttled by the machinations of the capitalists and Corporates who have increased their grip on the political administration.
Not only our rightful demands for improvement are being denied, but even our hard-won existing rights are sought to be taken away. The employers want labour reforms, freedom to hire and fire and enlarge the scope of exploitation of workers.
This is understandable because it is in their class interest. It is inherent in their policies of unfettered exploitation. But what is not understandable is the role of the Government in a democratic country like ours. Government is nakedly leaning on the side of the employers and capitalists. They are comforted and workers are confronted.
Hence the agenda of the working class and trade unions is cut-out. There is no choice than to fight back. To unite and fight is the political task of the worker today. Let us hope for the best in the New Year.
With Greetings
Yours Comradely,