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Extend support to the strike in CSB Bank On 28th Feb. & 14th March, 2022

Units are aware that the employees and officers in CSB Bank (Catholic Syrian Bank) are on struggle demanding wage revision on the lines of 11th BP Settlement and against the decision of the management to deny the legitimate and overdue wage revision. Already 10 days strike have taken place and yet the management remains adamant. Hence, United Forum of CSB Bank Unions has again given the call for All India strike on 28th February and 14th March, 2022.
When employees and officers of all the Banks have received wage revision due to our 11th BP Settlement and subsequent to this, employees of RBI, RRBs, LIC, etc. have got wage revision, it is atrocious and obnoxious that the management of CSB Bank is denying wage revision to their officers and employees.
We appreciate the determination of our comrades in CSB Bank for their consistent struggle and they deserve all appreciation. At the same time, it is our duty to extend our full support to their struggle and express our solidarity.
We call upon all our unions and members to extend our support by participating in the demonstrations in various centres in front of the Branches of CSB Bank. Our State Federations should extend all help to the comrades of CSB Bank in this regard.
As already informed earlier, if the management of CSB Bank continues to be obstinate, AIBEA will be compelled to give the call for All India Strike in all the Banks and our members are to remain prepared for the same.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,

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