Express our strong opposition to privatisation of Banks

Express our strong opposition to privatisation of Banks

Dear Comrades,

  • Express our strong opposition to privatisation of Banks
  • Intensify the campaign programme
  • Make all-out preparations for the 2 Days’ Strike on 15/16 MarchAs per the call given by UFBU and as reiterated in our Central Committee meeting held at Chennai on 24th and 25th instants, the task before us is to effectively implement the agitational programmes and the proposed strike actions on 15th and 16th March, 2021.
    1. Common Strike Notice has been served by UFBU and hence individual unions need not serve any separate strike notice on their managements.
    2. Our RRB Union, AIGBEA has informed us that their members will join the strike.
    3. Meetings of our Unions should be held (physical or virtual) wherever already not held for chalking out the steps to be taken to make all the programmes successful.
    4. We hope by now all our Unions have got the posters printed and supplied to all Branches. Display of posters in all Branches is important because it projects our issues to the customers and public.
    5. There is also a programme of wearing Protest Masks and Protest Badges. Hence, these masks and Badges are to be supplied in adequate number to all our members in the Branches, as otherwise, members cannot implement this important programme.
    6. There is another programme of submission of Online Petition to Prime Minister. Details will be sent in a day or two. All Unions should ensure that all our members submit the Petition to Prime Minister.
    7. Similarly, there is also the progrmme of Twitter Campaign. For this, our members should have their Twitter account like Facebook account or Whatsapp account. Guidelines will be issued in this regard.
    We request all our Unions at all levels to take all necessary measures to implement the programmes with full mobilization and involvement of our members

With greetings,

Yours comradely,