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UFBU Circular No. 13: A meeting of UFBU was held on 15-12-2022 at Chennai. Representatives of all the nine constituent unions participated in the meeting. Various important issues confronting the bank employees and officers were taken up for discussion.
The meeting congratulated Com Roopam Roy on his recent assumption as General Secretary of AIBOC and all the participants in the meeting conveyed their best wishes to him. The meeting adopted a Resolution placing on record our deep appreciation for the contributions made by Com. Soumya Dutta to UFBU during his tenure as General Secretary of AIBOC.
Privatisation of Banks – Sale of IDBI Bank and Nainital Bank : The meeting noted with concern that the Government is still continuing with their agenda of privatisation of Banks and hence our campaign against this ill-advised move should be continued. However the meeting took note that as per available information, the proposed Bank Privatisation Bill may not be listed and passed in the current winter session of the Parliament. But the meeting observed that IDBI Banks has invited Expression of Interest from private bidders thus taking another step towards privatisation of the Bank. Similarly, the meeting also noted that Bank of Baroda has invited Expression of Interest from bidders for buying their present share-holding (99%) in Nainital Bank. The meeting adopted a Resolution opposing these moves and decided to agitate against these decisions. The meeting also advised our Unions in these Banks to unleash agitational programmes.
Delay in resolution of Residual Issues: The meeting observed that while after the UFBU’s call for strike in June, 2022, the IBA agreed to hold discussions to resolve the residual issues like 5 Days Banking, updation of pension, etc,,only two rounds of discussions have taken place in the last six months and thereis undue delay over the same and earnest efforts are not being made by IBA to expedite the resolution of the issues. Hence it was decided to write to IBA to expeditiously resolve the pending issues failing which, UFBU would be constrained to revive the agitation.
5 Banking Days per Week : After discussions the meeting took the decision that in order to implement the 5 Banking Days per Week, we may agree for increase of 30 minutes in the total working hours per day from Monday to Friday by 15 minutes preponement in the morning and 15 minutes postponement in the

evening i.e. 15 minutes advancing in the morning and 15 minutes delay in the evening. It was decided to convey the same to the IBA so that the issue can be taken forward.
Updation of Pension : After discussions, keeping the desirability to achieve some forward movement in this important issue, it was decided that updation of pension may be first achieved for those covered by 5th, 6th and 7th BP wage revision/Joint Note i.e. pre-Nov. 2002 retirees with a clear road map for updation of pension for the remaining pensioners.
Negotiation on Charter of Demands for Wage Revision: Since Charter of Demands has been submitted to the IBA by all the 9 constituent unions, the meeting felt that IBA should now commence the negotiations on these demands so that the Settlement is concluded without much delay. To commence the process, the meeting decided to impress upon the IBA for obtaining mandate from the Banks.
Be ready for agitational programmes: The meeting decided that if the IBA would further delay the discussions on Residual Issues and does not take steps to obtain mandate from the Banks and commence the negotiations on our Charter of Demands, the UFBU would decide upon agitational programmes and strike action on these issues along with demand for adequate recruitments in the Banks and other important issues.
Sd.. Sanjeev K Bandlish, Convener, UFBU, With Greetings
Yours Comradely,

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