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Com Suryakant Mahadik passed away

We deeply regret to inform the death of Com S V Mahadik, General Secretary of All India Reserve Bank Workers Federation yesterday night in Mumbai.
Right from the early days, due to his rebellious nature, Com Mahadik used to question the wrong doings of the management and fought for justice to the employees. Very soon he became a militant leader of Class IV employees of the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai. Many times this irked the bank management and he got many charge-sheets from the management.

In one of such charges, he was terminated by the Bank along with few other comrades. With the help of the efforts of AIBEA, particularly by Com Prabhat Kar, he was reinstated into service.
He was an active leader in our organization and was the Joint Secretary of Maharashtra State Bank Employees Federation, the State body of AIBEA.
Due to his leading role in the organization, he was elected as General Secretary of All India Reserve Bank Workers Federation and led the organistion very effectively all these years. Within RBI, he always stood for the united movement and co-ordinated with the other Unions.
He was also associated the Unions in IDBI, Nabard, UTI, etc. He was the President of All India IDB Employees Association. He was keen to organize the contract employees and extended his full support to the initiatives of AIBEA in this regard.
He took active part in political activities and became a leader in Shiv Sena Party. He contested elections and was elected as an MLA of Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha from Nehru Nagar Kurla constituency.
He also became the President of their trade union wing, Bharatiya Kamgar Sena (BKS). Hence he was connected with trade unions in various sectors and factories. In the united struggles and strike actions against the anti-worker policies of the Government, he took initiative to be part of these common struggles.
For the past more than three decades, he was very closely and intimately associated with our AIBEA movement. He had very high resepct and regard for our leaders Com Prabhat Kar, Com Parvana, Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti, Com D P Chadha and others. He took every opportunity to attend our national conferences and meetings and he used to address our meetings to convey his appreciation of AIBEA as the foremost trade union in the banking sector. He also used to proudly proclaim every time that he learnt trade unionism under AIBEA. He was classical example that politics is not a barrier in trade union.
His death is a big loss to trade union movement, particularly in RBI as well as under BKS. We deeply mourn his death and convey our condolences to our members in AIRBWF and all his followers, admirers and family members
Com Mahadik Amar Rahen

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