Clarion Call from AIBEA CC Meeting
Make 28th & 29th March strike a total success Heighten campaign against privatisation of Banks Activate the Organisation at all levels

Extended Central Committee meeting of AIBEA was held on 4-3-2022 virtually through zoom App. Com. Rajen Nagar, President presided over the meeting. The meeting observed one minute silence to pay homage to Com. C S Ramaswamy leader of TNBEF and AIPNBEF, Lata Mangeshkar, Bapi Lahiri, Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, the student from Karnataka who lost his life in the current war between Russia and Ukraine and all other people who lost their lives in the present war, those who died during the pandemic, and in natural calamities, etc.
Make the call for nationwide General Strike a success: The CC meeting, after deliberations and discussions, decided that all-out efforts should be taken to prepare and make the General Strike on 28th and 29th March, 2022 a total success by effectively mobilising all our units and members.
The meeting underscored that many of the demands of the General Strike like opposition of privatisation of public sector, restoration of DA linked Pension, opposing outsourcing, regularisation of contract employees, etc. are equally important demands of the bank employees and hence it is very important that bank employees should be in the forefront of this struggle. The meeting resolved accordingly.
Bank Privatisation moves – Continue the campaign – Be prepared for struggles : The meeting congratulated all our unions and members for their spirited and enlarged participation in the massive protest strike by UFBU on 16th and 17th December, 2022 against the proposed Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021. The meeting noted that due to the massive protest and the political support to our struggle, the Bill was not brought in the last session of the Parliament.

The meeting was clear that the agenda of the Government on banking reforms and bank privatisation remains and hence we cannot become complacent. Hence the CC meeting gave the call to all our unions and members to continue the campaign amongst all sections of the people against the adverse implication and soliciting their support to our struggle.
Programme of Endorsement of letters to Prime Minister: The meeting underlined the importance of our programme under which we are getting endorsement in the common letter addressed to the Prime Minister by various political leaders, trade union leaders, VIPS, academicians, and every prominent person who are willing to support to our demand to save public sector banks and oppose privatisation of Banks. The meeting noted that many MPs, MLAs, trade union leaders, former MP/MLAs, former Ministers, leading political personalities, retired bureaucrats and bank executives, etc. have already endorsed the letter to Prime Minister. The meeting called upon all our unions to further continue this programme in all the States and complete it at the earliest.
Hold preparatory meetings: The meeting decided that all State Federations will hold their respective meetings and take all necessary measures to ensure that all our base unions reach out to all our members for making their participation in the Strike massive and huge.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,