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UFBU Circular: Unions are aware that in the initial meeting of the Bipartite Talks held on 28-7-2023, besides the main Negotiating Committee, two Sub- Committees were formed to discuss the respective issues of Workman Unions and Officers Unions. Yesterday the 1st Round of Sub-Committee meeting was held.
For Workman Unions’ discussions, the IBA was represented by the Sub- Committee Chairman Shri Rajneesh Karnatak (MD&CEO, Bank of India). For the Officers Associations’ discussions, IBA was represented by the Sub-Committee Chairman Shri. Om Prakash Mishra (Dy MD-HR, SBI)
We give below the gist of the discussion held today in both the meetings:
Workman Unions:
We have suggested that a Small Committee can be set up to discuss issues like DA scheme based on 2016=100 Index, issues relating to Disciplinary Action procedure, updating the duties of clerical and substaff as per present-day requirement, etc. IBA agreed to the same.
Thereafter, the following issues were taken up for discussions.
Stagnation Increments


  1. Merger of scales to rationalise the pay scales.
    Merger of present 8 scales to be reduced into 2 scales as under:
    Scale – I – Manager Grade – Integration of current Scale I to Scale IV Scale – II – Executive Grade – Integration of current Scale V to Scale VIII
  2. Officers should also be given two increments for passing CAIIB.
  3. FPP should be equivalent to the last drawn increment without any ceiling.. FPP to be de-frozen.
  4. PQP: For completion of JAIIB and CAIIB, one and two increments respectively are to be considered instead of consolidated amount as in the past.
  5. Date of sanction of annual increments should be on 1st January and 1st July every year.
  6. The present embargo regarding the sanction of stagnation increment, automatic movement, increment in next higher scale and PQP in respect of those officers who have refused / took reversion / opted out of promotion should be removed.
    All existing Stagnation Increments up to Scale V should be converted to
    regular increment.
  7. Upward revision of HRA commensurate with market rent.
  8. Self-Lease to be introduced.
  9. Substantial increase of CCA & Location allowance (non CCA centres) for all.
  10. Learning Allowance to be enhanced substantially.
  11. a. Improvement of lumpsum amount as compensation on transfer.
  12. Improvement of lumpsum amount on mid-academic transfer
    1. Closing allowance to be enhanced and paid every quarter in view of the
      enhanced workload performed by officers every quarter end.
      b. The Banks should take the responsibility for shifting the personal effects of
      the officers on transfer from one place to another.
      c. For change of posting in the same centre or in the urban agglomeration,
      the officers should be reimbursed the full expenditure for transportation of
      goods in connection with change of residence/leased quarter/bank’s
      quarter on actual basis.
      15.Education Allowance to be introduced for school education and higher
      education similar to that existing in Govt / PSUs / Private Sector.
  13. The emoluments drawn by an officer should be protected on transfer from
    higher area to lower area.
  14. Review and rationalization of halting/boarding/travelling expenses/Hill area
  15. The branches coming under SEZ/NEZ/EPZ areas should be treated on par with
    Metro Centers for all allowances and perquisites.
  16. Introduction of incentive for rural and other sensitive/difficult areas.
  17. a. Improvement in Leave Fare Concession and monetization of LFC
  18. Bank should bear the tax on perquisites.
  19. Improvement in special area allowance and special compensatory allowance
    for N.E, Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal, Leh, Ladakh, Sikkim, Andaman,
    Uttarakhand and red corridor / disturbed areas.
    b. The entitlement of mode of travel should be made as air travel to all the
  20. Differently Abled
    a. A special care and allowance should be paid to the specially/differently abled in terms of the Govt. of India guidelines.
    b. Government guidelines on concessions to such employees in recruitment/ promotion/transfers/rotations/postings, etc. to be strictly followed by all Banks.
    c. Revision of conveyance allowance paid to these employees
    d. Physically challenged children of employees to be defined as dependents irrespective of age or marital status
    e. 25 days CL for physically challenged employees.
    f. Full pension to physically challenged employees at 50% of Pay irrespective of service rendered. g. Visually impaired employees should be permitted an escort for availing LFC. The entitlement of the escort will be the same as the employee.
  21. Special Provision for Women Employees:
    a) Placement and postings:
    b) Provisionofcrechefacility:
    c) The existing Maternity Leave of 6 months at a time should also be extended in case of
    adoption of a child (from present 3 months) and increased to one year for one birth. 3 months’ additional sick leave be sanctioned after attaining the age of 45 years as lady officers are prone to diseases at this age.
    d) Child Care leave as applicable to the Central Government employees must be made available to lady officers i.e. two years CCL with salary.
    e) Work from home:
    f) Flexi time scheme:
    g) Fertility Treatment: Lady officers need to be sanctioned additional leave of 6 months at
    different intervals along with salary and medical reimbursement for Infertility treatment
    should be provided.
    h) Gendersensitivity
    i) Compulsory health check-up for all women officers:
    j) Provision of sanitary pad vending machine and incinerator:
    k) Enhancement of period of maternity leave from 6 months to 12 months/ introduction of
    child care leave for 2 years
    l) Introduction of menstrual leave:
    m) Posting at the same station for both spouses
  22. The income criteria for dependents to be substantially increased.
  23. Improvement in all leave facilities/introduction of the concept of Leave Bank:
    Immunity from transfer policy, special privileges to office-Bearers of the
    a. Casual leave should be increased to 15 days. b. Privilege Leave encashment is up to 300 days
    c. Existing 5/7 days encashment introduced in the 8th Joint Note should be extended to 10/15 days every year.
    d. Improvement in Sick Leave
    e. Improvement in Sabbatical leave:
    f. Sabbatical leave should be extended to male officers.
    g. UCL: UCL to be delinked from sickness and can be uitlised for any purpose and without
    any cap on accumulation.
    h. Bereavement leave of 15 days to be introduced for death of any family member.
    i. Special Occasion Leave
    j. Journey Time Leave
    k. Improvement in Leave for Sports Personnel from 30 days to 60 days.
    l. Officers to be permitted to avail sick leave on account sickness of spouse/parent/in- laws/children.
    m. Introduction of leave bank.
  24. a. Uniformity of loans and advances to officers by adoption of best of policies.
    b. The Road Tax on vehicles should be paid by the Banks on inter-state transfers.
  25. D & A regulations
    a. Review of Disciplinary Rules Procedure:
    b. Allowing personal hearing of charge sheeted officer in case of major penalty proceedings accompanied by a Defence representative.
    c. The present ad-hoc system of withholding gratuity and harsh decision to set off the gratuity amount towards loss caused etc., should be reviewed keeping in view, the recent judicial pronouncements. There should not be stoppage or denial of gratuity to the officers.
    d. No disciplinary action should be initiated after superannuation and the extant Pension regulations No 48 to be done away with as it is in conflict with Clause 14 of Gratuity Act and Supreme court judgments.
    e. All Terminal benefits should be released pending disciplinary proceedings if
    bank fails to complete the proceedings before superannuation as is being done in the case of CBI cases being pending.
    f. The IBA should take up with the Government, the introduction of an exclusive Banking Administrative Tribunal for the banking Industry in order to deal with all the service as well as disciplinary matters in respect of officers similar to Central Administrative Tribunal.
  26. Classification of lapses into major and minor penalties.
  27. Clarification be issued to Banks that any alleged lapse committed by an employee while working in the capacity as workmen, but alleged lapse detected when employee is an officer, he should be tried under bipartite rules and not under officers D & A regulations.
  28. Full legal expenses to be borne by banks on legal cases against any officer both serving and retired for all cases related to banking work except charges of fraud perpetrated by the officer.
  29. Appointment of compassionate grounds to be completed within a six months period.
    The IBA while receiving the submissions and justification of our demands with a positive approach, informed us that they would examine all these demands including cost implication, etc. and hence it was decided to discuss these issues further in the next round of meeting to arrive at possible outcomes.
    Next round of meeting: It was agreed to fix the date for the next round of meeting at the earliest. The meeting of the main Negotiating Committee is also expected to be fixed before the end of this month.
    Comrades, while our demands are justified and reasonable, it is only unity that will guarantee satisfactory solution to our demands. Hence all employees and officers and our Unions under the banner of UFBU should remain united. There are always some inimical elements here and there who would spread rumours to create confusion amongst the employees but we should ignore them and concentrate on our agenda of early and satisfactory settlement of our demands.
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