All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) Press Statement 12th January 2021

All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) Press Statement 12th January 2021

We are yet to see the Supreme Court’s order and initial reactions are based only on the reporting of the proceedings in the court hearing today.
We noted that the Court has ordered suspension of implementation of the laws temporarily.
Suspending the implementation of the laws as an interim measure is welcome but is not a solution and the farmer unions have not been asking for this solution, given the fact that the implementation can be reinstated at any.
The Govt. must repeal the laws and it must understand that farmers and people of India are opposed to the laws.
The Supreme Court has formed a Committee in its own wisdom and farmer unions have nothing much to say on this.
Farmer unions reiterate the fact that they will not participate in any such committee process – further, one of their apprehensions about such a process got validated in the very constitution of the committee.
It is clear that the Court is being misguided by various forces even in its constitution of a committee.

These are people who are known for their support to the 3 Acts and have actively advocated for the same. It is not out of place to remind that the farmer unions have rejected a Committee proposal from the government too.
Their dialogue is basically with an elected government about its policy directions and concomitant laws.
Farmers have explained in detail to Central Government that 3 laws will lead to corporate control over agricultural production, processing, and markets. Will lead to high cost of inputs, higher debts on peasants, lower the crop prices, increase farmer losses, decrease govt procurement, end PDS, raise food costs, higher farmer and agri worker suicides, hunger deaths, eviction from land due to debts.
Govt has hidden these hard facts from people and courts.
The peaceful Kisan Parade announced by farmers organisations on Republic Day will be held at Delhi and all over the country in large numbers.
Farmers will observe Republic day. The Govt. is trying to misguide the Court on this too.
The farmers’ struggle on their key demands will continue as per the earlier announcement on 13th, 18th and 23rd January.
National Working Group of AIKSCC