AIBOBECC officially recognised as Majority Union

AIBOBECC officially recognised as Majority Union

In Bank of Baroda, our AIBEA unit, All India Bank of Baroda Employees Co-ordination Committee was formed fifty years ago in the face of disruption and disturbances to our then organisation in Bank of Baroda. Since then AIBOBECC has been representing a substantial number of employees.
In 2019, after the merger of Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank, our AIBOBECC came to represent the overwhelming majority of the employees in the Bank. Right from April, 2019, AIBOBECC has been in visible majority since trade union subscription was being recovered from the salary by the management and hence the membership figures were known to the management. But despite our claim, the recognition of AIBOBECC as the majority union was being denied and delayed under one reason or the other.
Hence AIBEA advised AIBOBECC to give the call for All India Strike on 28th January, 2020. The Chief Labour Commissioner, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India intervened and held a conciliation meeting at Delhi on 22-1-2020. In this meeting, the management admitted in writing that as per the independent verification of membership, AIBOBECC represented vast majority of the employees. They also informed us that in view of the changes in the membership of the Unions in the Bank, they have informed the Government not to process the panel submitted by AIBOBEF for appointment of Workman Director. The management also assured to expedite the process of recognition of our Union after completing the formalities. However, due to lockdown and pandemic situation, the issue went to the back bench.

When the situation was improving, we pursued the matter again with the management. In the meantime some legal hurdles were being created and the process was being delayed. When we insisted the management to expedite the process, they assured that management verify the membership afresh in November, 2020. This verification also revealed that our AIBOBECC was the major union in the Bank.
After completing the required formalities, we are now happy that the management has served the letter to our AIBOBECC officially recognising our Union and informing that henceforth, AIBOBECC shall be the Sole Bargaining Agent to represent the employees in Bank of Baroda.
This is a very happy moment for all of us in AIBEA. We congratulate all our members of AIBOBECC for this achievement and organisational advancement. It is the fruition of the relentless efforts for the past five decades.
Achieving and regaining majority status in Bank of Baroda after five decades of relentless efforts and struggles is a matter of pride for AIBEA. We are further happy that this achievement has ben secured to coincide with the Platinum Jubilee of AIBEA.
We convey our greetings to all our units and members on this happy occasion.