AIBEA supports the agitation of Women Wrestlers for justified cause

AIBEA supports the agitation of Women Wrestlers for justified cause

The 29th National Conference of All India Bank Employees Association – AIBEA held at Mumbai from 13th to 15th May, 2023 takes note of the brave fight of the women wrestlers to get justice to them and punishment to the perpetrator of sexual harassment.
There are two FIRs registered against Mr Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, MP, the Chairperson of the Wrestler Federation of India for alleged sexual harassment to the women wrestlers, one of the FIR under POCSO Act. They were demanding his removal from the post from WFI and arrest in FIR under POCSO Act.
It is only after the defeat of the ruling party in Karnataka that he is divested from the responsibility of WFI.
These wrestlers have brought laurels for the nation by winning medals for the country in international competitions.
AIBEA extends support to these daughters of the country to get justice and would extend all out help and solidarity in every possible way to achieve their demands as this is the question of dignity and safety of our women in the society.