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We have already informed all our Unions that AIBEA is in the process of forming All India Social media Team as well State-level and Bank-level Social Media Teams in an endeavor to supplement and modernise our communication channels as is warranted in the present situation of technology innovations. Social Media is occupying an important space in communication methods and hence the need to update our methods accordingly.

  1. Apex Core Team:
    This Apex Core Team will consist of 10-12 members as decided by the Office bearers of AIBEA. They will formulate the guidelines, etc. for the activities and role of various Social Media Teams.
  2. National Social Media Team:
    AIBEA’s National Social Media Team will consist of 60 young comrades from various States and Banks who are active in handling social media communication channels. Already most of the States have suggested the names. We shall collect the names from other State Federations and this National Team will be formed very shortly.
  3. State-level Core Team:
    This Team will consist of about 4 or 5 Core members who will be in-charge of the social media activities in each State. They would function under the guidance of Apex Core Team and would be responsible for regulating the activities of State-level Social media Team.
    All State Federations are to form this Core Team within the next 10 days and inform the names to us.
  4. State-level Social Media Team:
    State-level Social Media Team will consist of 10 to 40/50 young activists depending on the requirement of the State Federation and representing various units from the Banks and from the District Committees, Co-op./RRB units, etc.
    All State Federations should form and inform us the names of this Team before the end of this month.
    With greetings.
    Yours comradely,
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