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AIBEA Delegation to the Conference ofCeylon Bank Employees Union

The 14th National Delegates Conference of Ceylon Bank Employees Union is
being held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on the 5th July, 2024. AIBEA has
longstanding fraternal relationship with Ceylon Bank Employees Union for
the past more than four decades. CBEU has invited AIBEA to participate in
their Conference and to address their Session.
Bank employees in Sri Lanka are facing similar problems like us in India.
CBEU is a militant trade union with a history of struggles. After a lot of
struggles, they achieved the right of collective bargaining and regular
collective agreements are being signed with the managements.
They are also facing the attacks of privatisation and CBEU has been
fighting back these attacks effectively.
Last year, their delegation attended our Conference held in Mumbai.
AIBEA will be participating in their Conference with the following

  1. Com. C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA
  2. Com. E Arunachalam, CC Member, AIBEA (Tamilnadu – Indian Bank)
  3. Com. M S Srinivasan, CC Member, AIBEA (Karnataka – Canara Bank)
  4. Com. Subin Babu, CC Member, AIBEA (Kerala – Punjab National Bank)
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