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AIBEA Conference Dates & JAIIB Exams

Units are aware that we have fixed the 29th Conference of AIBEA to be held in Mumbai from 13th to 15th May, 2023. (2nd Saturday, Sunday and Monday).
Recently, we were informed that JAIIB exams have been fixed for 13th and 14th May, 2023 and some of our units contacted us to inform that this will create problem for the young delegates and observers who are desirous of attending and conference as the dates would clash with our conference dates.
Since participation of young cadres in the Conference is organizationally important, we took up the matter with the Indian Institute of Bankers who are conducting these examinations. We explained to them that holding the JAIIB examination on the said dates would prevent many of our young delegates and observers to attend our conference and hence requested them to explore the possibility of re-adjusting the exam dates by a few weeks. They assured us to examine the possibility to consider our request.
On following up the matter further, it was found that in most of the exam centres, hall booking and other arrangements have already been made and hence it was found impossible to shift the dates to a later date.
However, looking to our genuine problem, after discussions, it has been agreed that all the candidates who are taking the examination on 13th and 14th May, 2023 and are also attending our Conference, may seek and opt for Mumbai as the examination centre and the same would be accepted by the IIB. It has been further suggested and agreed that these candidates may be allotted the morning time slot of 8 am or 9 am to write the examination so that they may be facilitated to attend our Conference without much difficulty. If enough number of candidates are there, all of them may be allotted a centre nearer to our Conference venue.
All our units are requested to take note of this so that our young participants may be made aware of this.
With Greetings,
Yours Comradely,

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