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AIBEA Central Committee meeting at Chennai – 24th/25th Feb. 2021

Dear Comrades,

AIBEA Central Committee meeting at Chennai – 24th/25th Feb. 2021

11th BP Settlement: The CC meeting hailed the recent 11th Bipartite wage revision settlement and exhorted all the Unions to remit their Levy to AIBEA (20%) at the earliest.

Retirees’ issues : The meeting was apprised of the developments and it was noted that the improvement in Family Pension is under process and the approval of the Government is awaited. Similarly, he informed that the issue of updation of pension is receiving the attention of the IBA and Government.

Following Resolutions were also adopted in the meeting:

  1. Opposing the anti-labour policies of the Government and replacementof labour laws with 4 labour codes.
  2. Extending support to the struggle of the farmers.
  3. Opposing the privatisation of PSUs including LIC and GIC.
  4. Demanding the reinstatement of the illegal terminated employees of Bank of Tokyo.
  5. Demanding extension of 11th Bipartite wage revision in Catholic Syrian Bank.
  6. Extending full support to the agitation and strike call on 10th March by All India Bank of Maharashtra Emp. Federation.
  7. Demanding wage revision in RRBs on the lines of 11th BP Settlement.
  8. Demanding IBA and Banks to amicably settle the demands of Daily Deposit Collectors.
  9. Highlighting the adverse amendments to the B R Act on Co-op. Banks and demanding review of the same. The meeting also extended its support to the programmes of All India Co-op. Bank Emp. Federation.

Comrades, given the present policy approach of the Government, it is necessary to strengthen our organisations at all levels. We are sure that all our Unions will equip themselves accordingly so that together we can face these attacks and challenges.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,


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