All of us our aware of the importance of this day. In the context where is
the agenda of the Government continues to be privatise the Banks and
hand over the precious savings of the people to the corporate vested
interests, defending public sector banking, maintaining the social
orientation of our public sector banks and fighting back the attempts to
privatise the Banks are our priority and imperative tasks.
Hence 19th July should be observed befittingly to highlight our standpoints
and gather more and more support to our campaign. It is also an occasion
to re-commit and pledge ourselves to be ever ready and prepared to
launch struggles if the Government would come out with any proposal to
privatise the Banks.
Keeping this mind, our State Federations should organise programmes like
mass meetings, seminars, workshops, etc. to highlight the role played by
AIBEA in demanding and achieving nationalisation of Banks, the
achievements of nationalized Banks in the last 55 years, the present-day
challenges facing the public sector Banks like threat of privatisation, huge
write off of bad loans, haircuts in the name of IBC, increasing service
charges, recovery of penalty charges for not maintaining minimum balance
in accounts, our demand for strengthening public sector Banks,
nationalisation of all private banks, merger of RRBs with sponsor Banks,
strengthening of our co-op. banks with 2 Tier system, etc.
These programmes are to be organized during the fortnight
between 10th and 25th July, 2024.
With Greetings,