19th July 2021 Bank Nationalisation day – UFBU Twitter Campaign

19th July 2021 Bank Nationalisation day – UFBU Twitter Campaign

We have already given the programmes for observing the Bank Nationalisation Day on 19th July, 2021. We are sure that all our units have got posters and Badges printed and supplied to all our branch units and members.

Twitter Campaign on 19th July:

  • We have also given the programme of Twitter Campaign on 19th July.
  • We will be forwarding the twitter message and Hashtag at 8-00 amon 19th July.
  • All our unions are requested to be in readiness to forward that message to all our members and immediately thereafter we should commence our twitter campaign.
  • Besides our members sending the message from their twitter account, we should forward and tag as many important personalities, authorities, leaders, etc. since their tweeting and re-tweeting the message will be of immense importance and support to our campaign.
  • All our unions should keep the plans ready on Saturday and Sunday with the help of our young activists who are familiar with social media campaign so that on Monday we can undertake the campaign successfully.