18TH April : Day of Re-dedication

Dear Comrades,

18TH April : Day of Re-dedication

46TH Death Anniversary of
Com H L Parvana 
– the symbol of sacrifice

When we celebrate the 75th Anniversary and Platinum Jubilee of our beloved AIBEA on 20th April, 2021, all of us know that our organisation has been built up by our great leaders of yesteryears with their daring efforts and sacrifices besides life-long endeavours.

Those days, when there were no Unions in the Banks, bank employees were being exploited. Their salary was pitiable and there were no codified service conditions. Everything was decided by the managements at their whims and fancies. Employees got jobs in the Banks only through some recommendations of people known to the managements. Hence employees always worked under fear and were afraid to displease the management in any manner. It was virtual slavery and below any sense of dignity.

Employees were being harassed, victimized, discriminated, fined, unfairly treated, and ill-treated. There were no working hours, no holidays. Employees were being denied leave even for their marriages or obsequies of their parents. But yet, employees could not raise their little finger for fear of losing their jobs. Bank employees being typically middle-class minded, were afraid of raising their voice and were working in the Banks without any self-respect.

Within this jungle of anarchy and high-handedness of the managements, few employees here and there were thinking that something should be done to change the situation. Few voices were raised but they were instantly and mercilessly crushed by dismissals and marching orders.

But even under these odds and threats, some employees of some Banks started to feel that when factory workers can have their Unions to protect, why not bank employees. The seed was being sown in their minds that bank employees also should have their Unions.

The more the managements were ruthless, the more they were convinced that Unions should be formed. The 2nd World War and defeat of fascism gave a boost to their confidence level. The struggles of the working class for their rights and for country’s freedom was at the zenith and these gave lot of inspiration. Thus were started some unions in some banks in some States in the 1940s.

These efforts culminated with the initiatives taken in Calcutta which resulted in the formation of AIBEA in 1946 on the 20th April.

This gave a lot of fillip to form some more unions in different banks in different parts of the country. Behind all these efforts were some daring young employees who were working in the Banks but who refused to be reconciled to the atrocities of the managements and decided to take efforts to mobilise, organize and lead the unions. In variably they were targeted by the managements. Most of them were victimized by the Banks.

Some of these dare-devil employees did not lose their heart nor felt frightened but decided to stand up and continue their efforts, come what may. Because of their dedication, their courage, their commitment, their conviction, above all, their willingness to sacrifice for the cause of other workers, that our Unions could withstand the pressures and survived.

Some of these leaders lost their jobs due to termination by the management but they continued their trade union work and that is why the Unions could not be crushed and today all of us are able to proudly celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of AIBEA.

There are several illustrious leaders of our movement who faced the wrath of the managements and yet built up our Unions. There are galaxy of leaders who adored our organisation. We remember all of them today and recollect their great role in building up a strong AIBEA.

Amongst all these illuminating leaders, Com. Prabhat Kar and Com H L Parvana are considered as the architects of AIBEA. They were so outstandingly giant leaders due to their contributions and sacrifices facing victimization from service. They symbolise the sacrifices by our various leaders of that generation. They suffered so that we are all safe and protected.

While the unity of the bank employees was the sheet-anchor of our movement, while the militant struggles by the employees ensured so many achievements, we will be failing in our duty if we do not remember and revere these leaders on an occasion like this when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of AIBEA.

It is not only their leading our organisation from the front, but it is their vision, it is dedication and their sacrifices upon which the edifice of AIBEA has been built upon.

When we talk of sacrifice, the inspiring face of Com H L Parvana would flash before everyone. He was a very unique leader, who willingly, knowingly, consciously and literally sacrificed his entire life for the cause of AIBEA.

Who else can better describe and value the sacrifices of Com Parvana than our great leader Com Prabhat Kar, who, after the death of Com Parvana in 1975, said that ENTIRE AIBEA WILL EVER REMAIN INDEBTED TO COM PARVANA FOR ALL THAT HE HAS DONE TO AIBEA.

That is why Com Parvana has a special place in the heart of bank employees under the banner of AIBEA.

That is why, the utterance of the name of Com Parvana instills inspiration in the minds of bank employees. He truly symbolized sacrifice.

While we observe the Platinum Jubilee and 76th Founding Day of AIBEA on 20th April, 2021, the 46th Death Anniversary of Com H L Parvana falls on 18th April, 2021.

To recollect and to pay homage to all the founding fathers and great leaders who have suffered and sacrificed for the cause of building our beloved AIBEA all these yearsit has been decided to observe 18th April, 2021 as the DAY OF RE-DEDICATION.

18TH April, 2021 – Day of Re-Dedication:

  • Remembering all our past leaders and paying our respectful homage to them.
  • Circulation of e-Posters

18th April to 30th April, 2021

AIBEA to issue leaflets about the life of top former leaders of AIBEA.

All our Unions to recall and remember our various leaders of our Unions in different Banks/States by issuing leaflets about them in their respective places.

Circulating the photos of our great leaders in different States through whatsapp/social media.

Branch-level Social Identification Programmes in 1000 Branches all over the country by donating face masks, sanitisers, etc. to customers, food packets to poor people around the Branches, etc. (In view of risk of corona infection, these programmes are to be confined at Branch-level).page3image58821632

Comrades, our Platinum Jubilee will be incomplete if we do not recollect, remember and pay our gratitude and homage to the leaders who by their sufferings and sacrifices have built up our organisation all these years because of which, all of us are today enjoying the job security, better wages, protected service conditions, defined working hours, trade union rights, dignity and self-esteem.

Hence let us observe 18th April, 2021 as the Day of Re-dedication to the ideals and objectives of AIBEA and take the pledge to walk along the path laid by our pioneering leaders.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,