Call from UFBU – Observe Strike on 27th June, 2022

CIRCULAR NO. 28/465/2022/36 10-6-2022 TO ALL UNIONS AND MEMBERS:
Dear Comrades,
Call from UFBU – Observe Strike on 27th June, 2022
UFBU Circular No. 5 : Vide our Circular No. 4 dated 09-06-2022, we have informed all our unions and members that at the meeting of UFBU held in Mumbai on 08-06- 2022 it was decided to give the call for strike on 27th June, 2022 on the 5 point charter of demands viz. Introduction of 5 Days Bank, Updation of pension, Scrap NPS – restore DA linked Pension scheme, Resolve pending residual issues and Extend wage revision in CSB Bank(Catholic Syrian Bank) & DBS Bank (LVB).
The Strike Notice has been served on the IBA and all the Bank managements today. Individual unions need not serve any separate strike notice. The following programme are given for implementation by all our unions and members.
10th June, 2022 15th June, 2022 From 16th June 20th June, 2022 22nd June, 2022 24th June 2022 27th June, 2022
Serving Strike Notice to IBA Demonstrations in all centres/stations Display of posters before Branches Dharnas in State Capitals
Badge Wearing
Demonstrations in all centres/stations All India stay out strike
Comrades, all these months we had displayed patience with the hope that IBA would come forward to discuss our demands and resolve the same amicably by way of mutual discussion and negotiations. But unfortunately, it did not materialise. Hence, we are left with no other alternative than to come out on the streets and express our resentment through strike action.

We urge upon all our units and members to close up the ranks and move as one to effectively implement the programmes and the Strike action on 27th June, 2022.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,
