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Com. Sampath joined Bank of India in Chennai in 1946, the year AIBEA was founded.Looking to the pathetic conditions of the employees in those days, It took no time for him to realise that trade union is the only way to ameliorate the working conditions of the employees.

Thus he was associated with the formation of the union in Bank of India in Chennai in 1951 and was one of its founder leaders.Thereafter he was involved in the task of forming Unions in others Banks and bringing all bank unions in Tamilnadu under a common umbrella under the banner of AIBEA and was thus part of the formation of TNBEF in 1953.

Very soon he became the accredited leader of the Federation and from 1958 onwards he was continuously elected as the General Secretary of TNBEF in all the Conferences. In 1994, he voluntarily opted to become the President to enable younger leadership to emerge and again in 2010 he chose to become the Chairman of TNBEF.He was the doyen of TNBEF all through.

In Bank of India, he took initiative in the formation of Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions along with other senior leaders, and was its leading figure for many years.He was also the Workman Director in Bank of India from 1979 till 1986 when he retired from the Bank.

Just as in TNBEF and FOBOISU, he was very active in AIBEA movement from the very beginning.When the 6th Conference of AIBEA was held in Chennai in 1954, he played an active role in hosting the same.In the 8th conference of AIBEA held in Kolkata in 1956, he was elected to the Central Committee.In the historic Trivandrum Conference of AIBEA held in 1964, he was elected as Asst. Secretary.In 1985 in our Bangalore Conference, he was elected as Secretary and in the Golden Jubilee Conference in 1996 in Kolkata, he became the President of AIBEA.In 2001 Mumbai Conference he volunteered to step down to promote younger leaders to come up to positions of responsibility in the organisation.But he remained in the Central Committee of AIBEA since then his contributions to AIBEA were immeasurable and invaluable.His role in the bipartite wage negotiations was outstanding as he was the backbone of all the calculations in Bipartite Settlements upto 7th BPS.In all struggles, campaigns, organisational matters, and in every aspect of AIBEA, his contribution in decision-making was commendable.

He took a leading role in organising the Co-op. Bank employees in Tamilnadu as a militant part of our movement and later rose to be the guiding figure in the All India Co-op. Bank Employees Federation.In fact, a few days ago, on the 14th and 15th of this month, he participated in the entire proceedings of the CC meeting of AICBEF and guided their deliberations.That came to be his last participation in a trade union programme.

Com. Sampath was also keenly interested in the struggles and problems of the general working class and trade union movement.He was associated with AITUC activities in Tamilnadu.Due to his deep convictions against exploitation and commitment to struggle thereagainst, he was wedded to leftist ideology and was a member of the Communist Party of India for more than six decades till his death.

Com. Sampath had the privilege of close association and guidance from eminent leaders of those days like Com. Mohan Kumaramangalam,V.G. Row,ASK Iyengar, KTK Thangamani, etc.In AIBEA, he was very closely associated with top leaders of AIBEA like Com Prabhat Kar, Com Parvana, Com KK Mundul, Com. N.S Purao, Tarakeswar Chakraborti, D.P. Chadha and many others.After the death of Com. Prabhat Kar, Com. Tarakeswar heavily relied on the views and suggestions of Com. Sampath in taking various organisational decisions.

Com Sampath was a tireless trade union leader who believed in meticulous planning and team-building.One of his unique qualities was his ability to transcend the age barrier and to mingle with younger generation leaders and members with ease.Even at the very old age, he tried to learn the use of computer and was updating himself constantly on use of technology in trade union activities.

Due to his impeccable uprightness and steadfastness to principles of AIBEA, he was highly respected by all and various other unions also held him in high esteem.In the negotiations with IBA, Com Sampath commanded a special respect from IBA due to his thoroughness of the service conditions and genuineness of his arguments.

Despite his old age, Com Sampath kept himself active in the organisation and did justice to the positions he held.It is very rare to see a leader like Com Sampath being so meticulous in every work of the trade union.His simplicity and humbleness was always adored by everyone in our movement.

For more than six decades, he was dedicated to the cause of bank employees and AIBEA

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