If he can be, cant we be – Inspiration

Last week I went to Aligarh. I was amazed at the dedication to AIBEA of one comrade. He is a visually handicapped employee. Both eyes are blind. But he is a good worker in the Bank and he is now the District Secretary of our Union for all bank employees in that District. This itself is a great achievement ion his part. He is very popular also. Unfortunately he is now suffering from lung cancer and he is taking treatment in a Delhi hospital. On knowing that I am going to Aligarh, he took permission from the Doctors and came to Aligarh and made all the arrangements for the meeting. He was with me on both the days, always enquiring about my stay, food, etc. He also conducted the meeting in a perfect manner. then he sought my permission to go back to Delhi. Very rare comrade. AIBEA is fortunate to have such dedicated comrades in its army. We need to learn a lot. He is an embodiment of dedication to AIBEA. If he can be, cant we be. chv