(a) absence without leave or overstaying sanctioned leave without sufficient grounds;

(b) unpunctual or irregular attendance;

(c) neglect of work, negligence in performing duties;

(d) breach of any rule of business of the bank or instruction for the running of any department;

(e) committing nuisance on the premises of the bank;

(f) entering or leaving the premises of the bank except by an entrance provided for the purpose;

(g) attempt to collect or collecting moneys within the premises of the bank without the previous permission of the management or except as allowed by any rule or law for the time being in force;

(h) holding or attempting to hold or attending any meeting on the premises of the bank without the previous permission of the management or except in accordance with the provisions of any rule or law for the time being in force;

(I) canvassing for union membership or collection of union dues or subscriptions within the premises of the bank without the previous permission of the management or except in accordance with the provisions of any rule or law for the time being in force;

(j) failing to show proper consideration, courtesy or attention towards officers,

customers or other employees of the bank, unseemly or unsatisfactory behavior while on duty;

(k) marked disregard of ordinary requirements of decency and cleanliness in person or dress;

(I) incurring debts to an extent considered by the management as excessive;

(m) resorting to unfair practice of any nature whatsoever in any examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered by sub clause under ‘Gross Misconduct’ and where a report to that effect has been received by the bank from the concerned authority and the employee accepts the charge;

(n) refusal to attend training programmes without assigning sufficient and valid reasons;

(o) Not wearing, while on duty, identity card issued by the bank;

(p) Not wearing, while on duty, the uniforms supplied by the bank, in clean condition.

(q) Doing  any act prejudicial to the interest of the bank.

(r) Misconducts covered under Clause 7 (a) to (q) shall not be made out as ‘gross misconduct’ under Clause 5.

PUNISHMENT – An employee found guilty of minor misconduct may:

(a) be warned or censured; or

(b) have an adverse remark entered against him; or

(c) have his increment stopped for a period not longer than six months.