AIBEA and patriotism

AIBEA and patriotism

In the circular issued by NOBW and NOBO with a view to instigate the bank employees and create disaffection with AIBEA, they raised the issue of including the name of Parvez Musharraf in the condolence resolution by the Bank of India Staff Union Kerala while the fact is that the resolution adopted by the conference did not mention his name.
Our members have also seen in the social media circulated by them the first page of the Conference report with the photo of Musharraf which was morphing and deliberate act of manipulation. We are taking legal steps on the same.
In their circular they have alleged that AIBEA members refused to give blood to the soldiers during the Indo-China war just to instigate the ex- servicemen employees who are loyal members of AIBEA.
Hence it is necessary to recall the history and what actually happened.
During the year 1962, our country faced aggression across the North Eastern Borders. The Chinese army advanced on many fronts, particularly in the Assam region. Like many others, AIBEA also opposed this aggression on India. AIBEA also plunged into action; the nation’s honour and integrity of our country were supreme.
The Bank employees displayed an extraordinary sense of sacrifice. Voluntarily, AIBEA was able to raise Rs. 9 lakhs towards the National Defence forces. (one can imagine the value of Rs. 9 lacs in 1962 )
Family members of many comrades gifted out of their gold jewelry. It was reported that over 120 AIBEA comrades from various Banks had secured commission in the army, and many joined as jawans. Bank employees under the banner of AIBEA donated blood in many places.
In Assam, the situation was really grim. The administration literally broke down; the bureaucrats, including the District Collectors, ran away from their areas of responsibility.

In places like Barambela, Tawng, and Tezpur, the Indian Army could not even get help from local officials regarding their basic requirements like food, clothing, etc.
Members of AIBEA from several Banks operating in Assam, and in particular from United Bank of India, displayed the most commendable sense of responsibility and patriotism.
They collected money, food, and drinking water, and supplied the same to the jawans in the interior forest areas and along the highways, despite the fact that comrades could hear the sound of bombardment from the advancing Chinese Army.
As a trade union organisation, such conduct on the part of our members at a time when our nation was in peril and the enemy was marching within our borders, was exemplary, unique, unprecedented, unparalleled, and was an expression of grand eloquence of patriotism.
Later, Com. Prabhat Kar, the then General Secretary of AIBEA, and who was also a Member of Parliament at that time, in a group meeting of Parliamentarians, mentioned to Jawaharlal Nehru what Bank Employees under AIBEA had done near the Assam border. The great Nehru who was the Prime Minister appreciated AIBEA at that time.
Comrades should remember the yeoman services rendered by AIBEA members at the time.
We regret that our friends in NOBW and NOBO are stooping so low. Anyway, we know the love, loyalty and faith of our members in AIBEA are unshakeable. Our caravan will march on.