Reg: Organisational affairs of AIBOA

Dear Comrades,
Reg: Organisational affairs of AIBOA
Units are aware that our sister organisation, AIBOA held their Conference at Chandigarh in November, 2022. There were some disturbances in the proceedings during the delegate session due to some disputes in delegations from some units. Many of our AIBEA Office Bearers were present in the conference and with our intervention, the proceedings were smoothened. All the agenda except election of the new team were completed unanimously in our presence.
Regarding the election of new team, there was a demand from one Union to contest and hence to hold elections through ballots. After discussion that union also agreed to work out a consensus to reach a unified team. Due to paucity of time, it was decided to defer the agenda of electing the new team to a later date.
We observed that instead of holding dialogues to bring all units together and enable a unified team, efforts were being taken to go for elections, contest, etc. These efforts got intensified and announcements were made to hold the elections.
Keeping the unity and larger interest of AIBOA, we had requested them not to proceed with the elections. But, despite our repeated letters and requests to them to abandon the path of contests and to defer the elections so that an atmosphere is created for mutual discussions amongst the units to develop a united team consisting of all units and important comrades, AIBEA’s advises were ignored. Few days ago, they have gone for e-voting and also declared a list of office bearers. From the list, it is apparent and obvious that some of the major units and important comrades are not there, thus presenting a divided house.
We are concerned about these negative developments as discussed in our Conference. While we shall continue to strive to unify the organisation, we wish to inform our units that the list of office bearers as is being circulated need not be given cognizance by our Unions.
Yours Comradely,