Reg: Withdrawal of ₹ 2000 Currency Notes from Circulation

Shri. Shaktikanta Das, Governor,
Reserve Bank of India Mumbai
Dear Sir,
Reg: Withdrawal of ₹ 2000 Currency Notes from Circulation
Ref: RBI Circular S-234 dated 19-5-2022 and Circular S-239 dated 22-5-2023.
While announcing the withdrawal of ₹ 2000 Currency Notes, vide the above RBI circular S-234, Banks were asked to receive a requisition letter, identity proof, etc. Later, vide the revised Circular S-239 dated 22-5-2023, the RBI advised the Banks as under:
“The facility of exchange of ₹ 2000 banknotes across the counter shall be provided to the public in the usual manner, that is, as was being provided earlier.”
Thus, RBI instruction is very clear that the exchange of the ₹ 2000 banknotes across the counter should be provided to the public in the usual manner as provided earlier ,i.e. without insisting on any request slip or ID proof since these banknotes continue to a legal tender.
We regret to observe that some of the Banks are still insisting on the public to provide a request letter along with detail of the Notes, ID proof, contact No, address, etc. This, besides being not in conformity with the RBI instructions, is creating avoidable tension and quarrel in Branches by the irritated public and the concerned staff in these Branches are facing the wrath of the public.
We do not want to recall the miseries faced by the employees and officers during the demonetisation process in 2016-17. They have suffered enough. We cannot face it anymore. We request you to once again reiterate your instructions to the Banks.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,