AIBEA CC meeting held on 22-2-2023

AIBEA Central Committee meeting was held yesterday (22-2-2023) virtually through zoom link. Com. Rajen Nagar, our President, presided over the meeting.
Homage: The meeting observed a minute’s silence to pay homage to veteran leader Com. Manoranjan Bose, former Treasurer of AIBEA who had passed away on 8th February and paid rich tributes to his more than 75 years of contributions to AIBEA. The meeting also paid homage to the victims of Syria-Turkey earthquake and all others leaders and personalities who had passed away during this period.
Reporting on developments: The General Secretary reported on the developments subsequent to the deferment of our All India Strike on 19th November, 2022. He particularly referred to the recent order given by the RLC, Kochi that Com, Sumith Nambiar is a Protected Workman and hence management should not have given the dismissal order without following the due procedure under law. He also explained the reason to defer the UFBU’s strike on 30th & 31st January and the details of the discussions held with IBA on important issues like 5 Days Banking, updation of pension, NPS to OPS, etc. He informed that the next round of talks with IBA is scheduled to be held on 28th February.
Continued attacks in Bank of Maharashtra: The General Secretary reported about the aggravated attacks in Bank of Maharashtra and complimented the united struggle by all the employees and officers through 3 days strike. In a vindictive move, the management has ordered that for 3 days strike, 8 days salary will be deducted in the salary of this month. Hence our Union approached the labour authorities and the RLC, Mumbai gave instructions that management cannot do such things.
This angered the management and now they have given a letter to our All India Federation in Bank of Maharashtra that due to “ technical glitches in HRMS ”, they are not able to deduct Union subscription from salary of employees and the Union should make alternative arrangement for collecting subscription. There are other attacks like transfers, charge-sheets, etc.

Our CC meeting extended its full support to their struggle and condemned the attacks and high-handedness of the management.
CC decided that if these attacks would continue, AIBEA would be compelled to give a supportive call for strike.
Attacks in Central Bank: The CC noted that in Central of India also, attacks are continuing. Recently the management has served Notice to AICBEF proposing to termination all the 35 Settlements signed from 2000 to 2018. Entire IR Policy has been withdrawn. In Kerala two union activists have been suspended because the Union opposed the harassment of our Branch Secretary ( lady comrade) by the Manager by daily retaining her in the Branch upto 8 pm, 9 pm, 10 pm, etc. For holding a peaceful protest demonstration in front of the Branch by local bank employees, Bank has filed police complaint against 7 activists of various other Banks. United Forum of Central Bank Unions has decided to go for agitations and strike against these attacks.
Objectionable comments by MD of Bank of Baroda : Recently the Managing Director of Bank of Baroda made an unwarranted statement that Government should go ahead with the privatisation of 2 Banks. We protested against it. Now, recently, when the whole country is concerned about the huge bungling, manipulation, etc. by Adani Group and tumbling down in the market, when all are demanding investigation into the whole episode, this Managing Director has told that he is ready to give further loans to Adani Group. MD is not the owner of Bank of Baroda. He should know that he is just an appointed employee and the Bank’s money is people’s money and not huis pocket money. Our CC strongly criticised his objectionable statements
29th National Conference of AIBEA : the CC discussed about the schedule of the Conference, composition of Delegates, observers, etc. Separate Circular will be issued in this regard.
With Greetings,
Yours Comradely,