AIBEA’s 29th National Conference

AIBEA Central Committee meeting has decided the following:

  • Dates: 13th, 14th, 15th May, 2023 (Sat, Sun, and Mon)
  • Venue: Shanmukananda Hall, Sion East, Mumbai-400022
  • Delegate Session : Will commence with Flag Hoisting at 10 AM on 13th.
  • Inaugural Public Session : 13th afternoon
  • Chairman of the Reception Committee : Ramon Magsaysay Awardee P Sainath
  • Other Guest Speakers, Invitees, Foreign Delegates, etc – Being finalised
    Delegates: All State Federations would be eligible to send their Delegates according to the Rules and Bye-laws of AIBEA based on their membership for 2022 (Max. 70)
    Addl. Women Delegates : 10% of Delegates would be additional Women Delegates. (Example– if eligible Delegates are 50, additionally, 5 women Delegates will be allowed)
    Observers : Maximum upto 100% of the number of eligible Delegates out of which 50% can be normal observers, 25% from youth and 25% from women.
    Example: If eligible Delegates are 60, it would be 30 normal observers, 15 youth observers and 15 women observers.
    Dues payable to AIBEA: All State Federations should remit their Annual Fees to AIBEA upto the year 2022. ( At Rs. 6 per year per member ).
    11th BPS Levy payable( balance if any) to AIBEA should be remitted by our Unions without fail.
    For the purpose of allotment of Delegates, in addition to membership fee paid, the Levy received from each State would also be taken into account.
    Yours Comradely,