Unfair labour practices continue in Bank of Maharashtra – seeking your intervention.

Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Office of the CLC,
New Delhi.
Dear sir,
Reg: Unfair labour practices continue in Bank of Maharashtra – seeking your intervention.
You aware that during our recent strike notice and the conciliation meetings, we had explained the anti-employee, and anti-trade union approach of the management of Bank of Maharashtra.
The management does not care for the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act and Trade Unions Act. Management is refusing to negotiate with the duly elected office bearers of the Union.
Management is violating the provisions of Bipartite Settlement which have been signed under the provisions of ID Act.
The office premises given to our Union as per terms of recognition have been forcibly evicted by the management.
As agreed during the conciliation meeting, the DFS, Ministry of Finance has sent a direct communication to the MDs of the Banks to strictly adhere to TU Act and ID Act.
Unfortunately and regrettably, Bank of Maharashtra management does not seem to pay heed to the advisory of the Government and they are persisting with their hostile and anti-union attitude.
Since the management is not coming forward to resolve the issues amicably through mutual discussions and continues with their illegal actions and unfair labour practices, the Unions in Bank of Maharashtra were compelled to observe strike on 27th January and on 9th and 10th February, 2023.
26th January, 28th, January and 29th January were already declared Bank holidays. Similarly, 11th and 12th February are also declared Bank holidays.

We are informed that the management has issued instructions that for the 3 days strike on 27th Jan., 9th and 10th Feb., a total of 8 days’ wages will be recovered from this month’s salary of employees by including the usual bank holidays on which days, there was no strike.
Thus, the management is trying to intimidate the employees through such illegal wage cuts. Their proposed action violates all principles and legal principles.
We are afraid that if the management continues with such illegal and unfair actions, not only the industrial relations in Bank of Maharashtra will further deteriorate, but this will also lead to supportive agitation and actions including strike actions by all other bank employees at the call of AIBEA.
Hence we seek your urgent and effective intervention in the matter to avoid such precipitations from our side.
Thanking you,
Copy to:

  • Secretary, DFS, Ministry of Finance, Delhi
  • Chairman, IBA, Mumbai
    Yours sincerely,