Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting with Finance Minister

Yesterday evening we were contacted by the official of your Department informing us about the Pre-Budget Consultation meeting to beheld today at 11-00 am through video conference. We had welcomed the same as it has been the demand of AIBEA and UFBU that the Government should hold consultations with the Unions in the Banking sector on various suggestions concerning the Banks and Bank employees.
Subsequently we also received the mail confirming the meeting along with an invitation letter dt. 10-11-2024 addressed to “participant”. We were surprised that an invitation letter of 10-11-2022 has been sent to us on 27th evening when the meeting is to be held on 28th morning.
We further find from the mail that we have to submit our views within 3 minutes. You will appreciate that it will be impossible to submit and explain our suggestions within 3 minutes.
Further we are informed today that the same letter was sent to all the Central Trade Unions who have informed the Government about their inability to participate in the meeting with such conditions of 3 minutes, etc. They have also informed that their suggestions would be sent to the Government and have requested for a physical meeting to explain their suggestions.
We also feel the same way that it will be difficult to explain our suggestions within in 3 minutes and hence we prefer to submit our suggestions through our communication to your office and we shall be too happy to meet the Government to explain these suggestions in person if called upon.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,