Our call for All India Strike on 19th Nov. 2022 Conciliation meeting by CLC – No positive outcome Bilateral discussions to be held on 16th Nov. Keep your powder dry

Pursuant to the call given by AIBEA for All India Strike on 19th November, 2022, the Chief Labour Commissioner of the Ministry of Labour, Government of India had convened a conciliation meeting/joint discussion between AIBEA, IBA and the concerned Bank managements today in his office.
Shri. Remis Thiru, CLC conducted the conciliation proceedings. Smt. Shakuntala Patnaik, Dy. CLC, Shri. O.P. Singh, RLC-HQ and Shri Amrutesh Kumar, ALC-IR also participated in the conciliation.
Shri Kul Bhushan Nayyar, Dy. Secretary, Dept. of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance participated in the meeting on behalf of the Government.
IBA was represented by Shri. Brajeshwar Sharma, Sr. Advisor-IR&HR.
Representatives of none of the managements from the concerned Banks viz. Central Bank of India, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, IDBI Bank, CSB Bank, Federal Bank, MUFG Bank, Citi Bank and Sonali Bank were present in the conciliation meeting and were conspicuously absent in the meeting, giving an impression that it was a concerted action. Chief Labour Commissioner took a serious view of their absence.
AIBEA was represented by our Office Bearers Com. Rajen Nagar, Com. C H Venkatachalam, Com J.P. Sharma, and Com. D.R. Tulajapurkar along with leaders of our Unions from Central Bank of India, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, IDBI Bank, CSB Bank, Federal Bank, MUFG Bank, Citi Bank.
From AIBEA, we explained the instances of increasing attacks and actions by some of Bank managements like deliberate disobeyance of labour laws, particularly the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, scuttling bilateralism and adopting unilateralism, violation of industry-level Bipartite Settlement and bank-level Settlements, attacks on jobs and job security, not caring for court judgements of Supreme Court and High Court, retrenchments, victimizations, destabilizing the employees through illegal transfers in violation of settlements, outsourcing regular and permanent jobs on contract basis in violation of Bipartite Settlement, unfair labour practices, weakening the right of collective bargaining, denying right of representation to duly elected leaders of the Union, etc.
The IBA stated that upon receipt of the strike notice from AIBEA, they convened bilateral discussions on 5-11-2022 between AIBEA and the concerned bank management to explore the possibilities of brining both sides

together for a possible resolution of the issues and since there were divergent views from either side, there was no positive outcome. We pointed out that in the said meeting both the sides only explained their respective standpoints and since there was no scope to discuss any of the issues, there was no outcome.
CLC advised that IBA, AIBEA and the bank managements should hold further bilateral discussions to explore the possibility of finding some amicable solutions to the issues. CLC also appealed to the AIBEA not to resort to the strike and advised IBA to fix a date for holding bilateral discussions with AIBEA and to ensure that all the bank managements participate in the meeting.
After discussions, IBA informed that the bilateral discussions can be held on the 16th November, 2022 at Mumbai. We agreed to the same. Thus, the next round of discussions will now be held on 16th November, 2022.
Comrades, all of us are aware that our concerns are about the sanctity of bipartism and Bipartite settlements, our right of collective bargaining, our trade union rights, our jobs and job security. Our concern is that some of the managements are not adhering to the provisions of labour laws, court judgements, etc. Our concern is that all issues including revised transfer norms, outsourcing, etc. are already sized by IBA with the apex Unions and without finding solution at that level, the unilateral actions of the managements are leading to conflicts at different bank level.
While AIBEA will participate in the discussions on 16th instant with a view of find amicable solutions to our issues, we feel highly discouraged by the attitude adopted by some of the bank managements which are not conducive to arrive at amicable solutions. However, our endeavour would be amicable resolution and industrial peace.
In the meantime, all our Units and members are requested to go ahead with our preparations for the strike. Looking to the developments in the discussions on the 16th, we shall decide.
Keep the spirits high. Keep the powder dry. With greetings.
Yours Comradely,