UFBU Meeting decisions

UFBU Circular No. 4 : “A meeting of the UFBU was held in Mumbai yesterday i.e. 8-6- 2022 to take stock of the present development and decide our course of action. Representatives of all the Constituent Unions were present in the meeting.
Killing of an innocent bank officer in Kashmir: The meeting condemned the brutal killing of Com. Vijay Kumar, the young Branch Manager of SBI Sponsored RRB, Ellaquai Dehati Bank in Kashmir by some extremist forces and demanded that the Government and managements of Banks should ensure proper safety and security of bank staff working in such vulnerable areas. The meeting observed a minute’s silence to mourn the death of this young officer and conveyed its condolences to the bereaved family.
Threats of privatisation of Banks – our campaign and struggle to continue: The meeting noted that repeated reports are appearing in the media about the intention of the Government to privatise public sector Banks. Bank employees and officers under the banner of UFBU have unequivocally opposed these attempts through our struggles including the 4 days strikes in March and December, 2021. The meeting decided that our opposition to and campaign against privatisation of PSBs should be continued and intensified further by all our unions. The meeting further decided to organise a Mega Rally before Parliament during the next session of the Parliament and also to give the call for strike action if the Government would proceed with the Banking Laws Amendment Bill during the monsoon session of the Parliament.
Call for Strike on 27th June, 2022: Discussing the agenda of undue delay by IBA in resolving the residual and pending issues, after due deliberations, the meeting decided to give the call for Strike on 27th June, 2022 on the following important issues:
a. Introduction of 5 Days Bank – all Saturdays & Sundays to be holidays
b. Updation of pension
c. Scrap NPS – restore DA linked Pension scheme
d. Resolve pending residual issues
e. Extend wage revision in CSB Bank (Catholic Syrian Bank) & DBS Bank (LVB).
Discussion with IBA : There was a meeting arranged by IBA to discuss about ways and means to reduce premium on the group medical insurance scheme, especially for the retirees. During the discussions we have indicated to the IBA that we can consider graded rates of bed charges depending on the place where hospitals are situated like metro, urban, semi-urban, etc. (instead of present uniform rate of Rs.5000) and also some capping and ceiling on certain types of package treatments, etc. The issue will be further discussed.”
With greetings,
Yours comradely,